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MalwareBytes AM Pro autostart UAC problem

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Hello ,

I am running Windows 7 Ultimate x64 . This is a clean install of windows .

My problem is , when windows starts I get a User Account Control prompt for MBAM . After I click OK it takes 5 to 10 minutes for MBAM to load . If after clicking OK to the UAC prompt if I immediately log off and back on I get another UAC prompt but this time when I click OK MBAM loads as soon as I release the mouse button .

I have used the the removal tool and reinstalled MBAM twice . No change .

I have used windows task scheduler to give both MBAM.exe and MBAM.gui full admin rights . No Change .

What do I have to do to get MBAM to autostart with no UAC prompts .

Thanks in advance , Jeff

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Greetings :)

mbamgui.exe should not be set to run as an administrator. Please navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware and right-click on mbamgui.exe and choose Properties. Click on the Compatibility tab and uncheck the box next to Run this program as an administrator and click on Apply then click OK.

Once that's complete, restart your computer and you should get no UAC prompt.

Now, as for the delay, this is quite normal and by design. Refer to issue 17 of our FAQ ISSUE: The Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware tray icon takes a long time to load on Windows Vista or Windows 7 which explains the behavior as well as how to change it should you desire to.

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exile ,

Thanks for the quick reply !

Unchecking the MBAM.gui run as admin box in properties / compatability tab stopped the UAC prompts , woot !!

What is strange though , it had to install that way . It had the UAC prompt as soon as I installed MBAM , on reboot after the install it had the UAC prompt and when I right clicked the tray icon to select update it UAC'd me again . Thats when I created the 2 tasks to run the app with admin priveleges . Which did nothing for the startup UAC issue . Before running the clean up tool the last time and reinstalling MBAM . I deleted the 2 tasks that I had created with task scheduler . I had also forgotten to check the compatability tab for the admin priv box being checked until you mentioned unchecking it for mmbamgui . Anyway the UAC issue is repaired , which is what I needed to have happen .

Changing the service from autostart delayed to autostart helped the load time quite a lot . It still takes about 90 seconds . Which is a lot better than 5 to 10 minutes . Is there a registry setting that I can edit to speed it up a bit more ? This particular pc is sort of a screamer it takes about 20 seconds to boot to the desktop after being turned off . So it's sort of a drag to have to wait the 90ish seconds for MBAM to load .

Thanks again...........Jeff

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exile ,

Thanks for the quick reply !

You're welcome :)
Unchecking the MBAM.gui run as admin box in properties / compatability tab stopped the UAC prompts , woot !!

What is strange though , it had to install that way .

That's because the items in the Compatibility tab are actually stored by Windows based on the path\file, so even removing and reinstalling MBAM doesn't undo such changes.
It had the UAC prompt as soon as I installed MBAM , on reboot after the install it had the UAC prompt and when I right clicked the tray icon to select update it UAC'd me again . Thats when I created the 2 tasks to run the app with admin priveleges . Which did nothing for the startup UAC issue . Before running the clean up tool the last time and reinstalling MBAM . I deleted the 2 tasks that I had created with task scheduler . I had also forgotten to check the compatability tab for the admin priv box being checked until you mentioned unchecking it for mmbamgui . Anyway the UAC issue is repaired , which is what I needed to have happen .
That's correct, and is the expected behavior. The tray (mbamgui.exe) doesn't run as admin by default, but mbam.exe, which is used for updating and scanning, does run as admin, so you'll get a UAC prompt when attempting to open MBAM or update from the tray.
Changing the service from autostart delayed to autostart helped the load time quite a lot . It still takes about 90 seconds . Which is a lot better than 5 to 10 minutes . Is there a registry setting that I can edit to speed it up a bit more ? This particular pc is sort of a screamer it takes about 20 seconds to boot to the desktop after being turned off . So it's sort of a drag to have to wait the 90ish seconds for MBAM to load .
No, there's no registry setting you can alter to change the startup time, it should be as quick as possible once you have the service set to Automatic. If there's still a delay, it could be a matter of setting proper exclusions in your antivirus and/or firewall for MBAM as they may be delaying its startup by checking it first. Info on how to set exclusions for many common AV's can be found in the FAQ.
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