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i need to vent somewhere and hopefully you people are that tad more understanding. i have been banned from sevenforums and their flimsy excuse is that i have flagged their email as spam to my email provider. it was never stated in their t&c to NEVER EVER label their mail as spam. i have tried appealing but no answer. and to just register on their forum, you need to pass a security check i.e approved by an administrator.

their forum is a great place to ask questions as there are many helpful people there but the admins are just pure ________.

thank you for your kind understanding and have a nice day.

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just notifications. and that email that i am using is usually full of spam mail....so i see all the mail, i just select all and put into spam then see through...

All you did was click the 'spam' button in your e-mail interface? You didn't actually contact your ISP and tell them that this forum was spamming you?

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i need to vent somewhere and hopefully you people are that tad more understanding. i have been banned from sevenforums and their flimsy excuse is that i have flagged their email as spam to my email provider. it was never stated in their t&c to NEVER EVER label their mail as spam. i have tried appealing but no answer. and to just register on their forum, you need to pass a security check i.e approved by an administrator.

their forum is a great place to ask questions as there are many helpful people there but the admins are just pure ________.

thank you for your kind understanding and have a nice day.

I need to vent on something totally unrelated to this. :rolleyes:

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