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Malwarebytes Bootable

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Often I am pulling hard drives out of computers and connecting them to one of my computers and then scanning the drive for infections. Is there another way of doing this, like a bootable version of Malwarebytes. I hate taking hard drives out and connecting them to another computer. When I'm done I always scan my computer to make sure nothing transferred over.

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Often I am pulling hard drives out of computers and connecting them to one of my computers and then scanning the drive for infections. Is there another way of doing this, like a bootable version of Malwarebytes. I hate taking hard drives out and connecting them to another computer. When I'm done I always scan my computer to make sure nothing transferred over.

My question is this: If you put the infected drive in another computer (secondary or slave drive), isn't it scanned as though it were a "flat file" ?

Specifically, entry points for malware aren't loaded, and Registry Hives wouldn't be scanned ? ?

Seems to me the scan would not be very effective.

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  • Root Admin

Yes that is correct - our product is not designed for doing flat-file analysis. It is designed and works best when running from Normal Windows Mode

You should be using your Anti-Virus product for flat file and archive scanning and removal.

We are working on some other projects hopefully due out later this year that we hope will really help a lot more on some of the tougher infections.

Stay tuned please....

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