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Illegal Users


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I know MBAM has detection methods in place to nulify the license if found to be used on more than one machine, so I hope this comment gets directed to appropriate channels, for someone to review, as I get extremely "Pist" (sic) when I see comments on your own Facebook page of people who are doing it.

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Hello ksiemb:

You may always use this subforum for reporting obviously illegitimate keys, pirating sites and keygens, etc.

Every little bit reported is quite helpful. Thank you.

HTH :)

none of that info was posted, just a couple of people bragging they have Pro installed on more than one system

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as I get extremely "Pist" (sic) when I see comments on your own Facebook page of people who are doing it.

If you see any such posts on our Facebook page, please let me know by sending me a PM with the information.

Also if they post the illegal license key, I can go ahead and pass it on to get it blacklisted.

Thanks :)

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If you see any such posts on our Facebook page, please let me know by sending me a PM with the information.

Also if they post the illegal license key, I can go ahead and pass it on to get it blacklisted.

Thanks :)

I didn't see a need to do that, in as much as someone from MBAM, commented within the same post, and must have seen it also.

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I didn't see a need to do that, in as much as someone from MBAM, commented within the same post, and must have seen it also.

On the Facebook page? More than likely I did, and it was taken care of. I was referring to any post that I have not commented on already.

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Should have been more explicit !

"Do not dwell on events that happened in the past, only concentrate on the present moment." ;)

Thanks for posting, and please feel free to let me know of any similar posts on our Facebook page in the future.

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