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i have an issue


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today i checked my browsing history

and found two website pages accessed whick i really don't recognize

but one of the is a bout facebook tap caddilac so i tapped it and found it was the ad of caddilac

at there facebbok page whick i searched for before

also found anothere one for GM but i only accessed the page on facebook.

as far as i know when i access a facebook page on my laptop the browsing history log states facebook pages only

and not to access external pages .

is this a virus or not

i have avira personal with webgaurd and mbam on my pc.


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more update to the situation

i bought a new subwoofer speakers and it was working fine

and now i tried to play music and found only left speaker plus sub is working while left is not

so i checked every settings i got for sound and all speakers were on

i opened the test module and only right and sub responding

so i decided to shut down windows(program not responding) (f70) what is thatso i decided to end now to shut down and check speakers cables and it was pluged

so i repluged and started it worked

so please tell me what's going on !!!!!!

as i got a lot of security programs plus i'm so carefull

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Hello and :welcome:

If you believe you are infected please click me. That will guide you to the proper page, if not, Please reply to this topic. I have a few questions. Please take your time when posting, It will help with the staff here at malwarebytes understand your situation. IMO, I don't believe you are infected, but I am not qualified to tell you that for sure. Please answer the following questions.

eusa_hand.gif If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.

When is the last time you did a full scan with MBAM? Did it detect anything?

When is the last time you did a full scan with AVIRA? Did it detect anything?


What firewall are you using?

When was the last time you updated AVIRA and MBAM?

What OS are you using (Xp,7,vista, etc)?

Sidenote: Some parts of your posts are hard to understand. Please explain in greater detail.

Good luck!

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1- last mbam full scan was yasterday (no detection)

2- last avira's full scan was 6/7 and i did full scan 3 times 2day as the system freezed for the first couple times

and i had to press reset to the pc (no detection so far)

3- i update avira and mbam daily whitout any problems

4-i have every program updated except microsoft office and note as they require some other windows software

5- i'm using an old but really fast desktop pc with win xp sp3

also my problem is simply that :

1- i notice some of the welcome images for pages on facebook (like cadillac or GM)

i notice that the welcome page are saved on another website page as u can see in the pic above.okay?

(usually on my newer laptop i got every page that i visit including welcome pages and ads which i never click on although it's from cadillac)

2- avira was un avialable in screen shot while it was 2 secs b4 screen shot was active and daily update was coomplete

3- system crashed twice while playing songs via windows media player and scanning full system scan via avira)

(may be related i just bought a new subwoofer speakers and i'm using them but one speaker was working while the other is not so i turned of then unpluged and re pluged and it's working now)

4- some times when i try to restart pc or shutdown i get this anoying message (79c) is not reponding

so i choose (end program now)

some times it's (70c) and sometimes other numbers with c nexto them like xx c )

i hope that i'm not infected as i'm really really carefull while browsing the net.

thanks for your concern.

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also i noticed after i replied thatnot all mbam pages with logos

also i have another detailed pic for the issue of browsing history

see the page is from a cadillac ad on fb page (welcome page of cadillac)

while the one here is on some other site which i never accessed or even regonize it

(also usually what is in fb stayes in fb folder in browsing history like on my laptop )

and not to be saved on a different page (which i really dont know)

note that: (if i accessed this page i find exactly the same image as the welcome screen of cadillac)

i hope it's not a security threat.



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The pages you don't recognize might come from a frame or something on Facebook, as it has zero privacy. You're also running Internet Explorer, which doesn't have a suitable plugin (e.g. ABP) for protecting your privacy, which just worsens the issue.

But is it an actual malware threat? Probably not, but there's a chance it might be. Do another scan with Malwarebytes and Avira.

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well it's done

and there is no detection was found on avira or mbam

both are updated

and i looked at the image of the one with ipadaap on browsing history

and i found lancia which is another page that i visited on fb

actually this is the first time i see this on xp or ie8

coz i rarley check browsing history on xp

but i always check browsing history on ie9 on win7

and never saw something like that b4

also why i see only half of the info when i move the mouse arrow on icon on taskbar

it looks like task bar is eating them

(look like memory issue)

also avira's tool bar is deactivated when minimizing ie page while webgaurd module on avira is working and every thing is in green but i open again the minimized page and refresh the after a while ,it(avira bar) turns on .

is this a threat?

also when u leave a page or writing post for a while the avira bar states that avira is unavailabe un till you hit post and then ie reloads page so after a while it turns back on !!!!!?? is this a feature or a bug or what?

come on i'm losing my mind how come there no detection but my pc is unstable.?????

1- the not responding programs with wiered no. like f70 or 71c while shuting down or restarting windows.



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Hello tito335:

If you think you are infected, here are the steps needed to get your computer cleaned:

Please read the following so that you can begin the cleaning process:

You have 3 Options that you can choose from as listed below:

  • Option 1 —— Free Expert advice in the Malware Removal - HijackThis Logs Subforums
  • Option 2 —— Paying customer -- Contact Support via email
  • Option 3 —— Premium, Fee-Based Support


As we don't deal with malware removal in the
PC Help Forum
, you need to start a topic in the
Malware Removal - HijackThis Logs Subforums
so a qualified helper can help you fix any malware related problems/infections you may have.

  • Please read and follow the
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  • Please refrain from making any further changes to your computer such as (Install/Uninstall programs, use special fix tools, delete files, edit the registry, etc...) unless advised by a malware removal helper. Doing so can result in system changes which may hinder the attempts by a helper to clean your machine.

Please DO NOT post back to (bump) your topic within the first 48 hours.

Replying to your own posts changes the post count and helpers are looking for topics with zero replies. If you reply to your own post helpers may think that you're already being helped and thus overlook your post.
    • If there is no reply from any experts after 48 hours, you can reply to the topic, asking for help again.


    • You may send a Private Message to a Moderator asking for assistance.


Alternatively, as a paying customer, you can contact the help desk at


If you would like to use our Malwarebytes Premium Services, Comprehensive solutions to all your computer support needs—from installation and set-up to troubleshooting and tune-ups go to our
support site.

Please be patient, someone will assist you as soon as it is possible.

PS: Please use the Add-Reply.png button instead of other ones when you start replying. :)

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