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Stability Issue with

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The most recent update to Malwarebytes,, appears to have a bug. Malwarebytes becomes non-responsive after the daily auto full scan completes. This occurs prior to any of the typical reports popping-up. Does not resolve without system restart.

I am running Windows 7 Home Premium (64) and typically have firefox 4.0.1 also running.

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The most recent update to Malwarebytes,, appears to have a bug. Malwarebytes becomes non-responsive after the daily auto full scan completes. This occurs prior to any of the typical reports popping-up. Does not resolve without system restart.

I am running Windows 7 Home Premium (64) and typically have firefox 4.0.1 also running.

Forgot to mention, I am running MBAM Pro

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Hello and welcome, lidig8r:

Until one of the engineers or experts arrives I'll just mention that it is entirely overkill to run daily full scans, especially if you are running MBAM PRO with the real-time protection module enabled.

A daily Quick scan should be more than sufficient, +/- flash scans after regularly scheduled auto-updates of the databases.

Full scans are typically only needed when cleaning up after a malware infection, to remove the last traces...

This assumes, of course, that you also run a standard AV and firewall (MBAM is NOT an antivirus, but rather is designed to complement such software, providing layered protection).

And that you have both MBAM and your AV/firewall configured with the proper settings for exclusions/permissions to allow them to work side by side without conflicts.

Having said that, we'll have to see what the experts advise about the MBAM crashes.

Best regards,


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  • 2 weeks later...

Two weeks have passed without a meaningful reply so, I shall assume one is not coming. Just FYI...if anyone cares... since I last contacted you I used daily auto-quickscans without issue however today I manually requested a full scan and, as before, MBAM Pro becomes non responsive. This only resolves with a full system restart. Never an issue before

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Please provide following details, so that someone may be able to assist you:

  • OS version including 32/64-bit
  • Installed Security Product(s) including Firewall and Program Versions
  • MBAM version (current (Free or Pro)
  • Definition version (current 7004)

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