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Recently it was the fiasco with the startup issue, last week it was the failure to update for a number of days. Now its flagging a perfectly legitimate file (part of Google) as a Trojan every time I start up, and then the pc freezes.

So I've run out of patience and uninstalled it. Gone back to SuperantiSpyware.

Bye everyone.

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Greetings ventanas. I'm sorry you've had such a rough time and come to the decision you have, but I do understand how frustrating this stuff can be. There have definately been issues with MBAM lately, however they are getting ironed out. If you do come back to the forum and see this post, I just want you to know that, recent problems aside, Malwarebytes' is a great tool, but of course so is SuperAntispyware (these 2 are about the best around right now), and that if you are willing to work with one of the forum mods or developers regarding some of your issues (like the false positive), it would be beneficial to both yourself and the software for the developers and all the other users out there as well.

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  • Root Admin

I should take that statement back. We help all users, not just paying ones. If you contact support we actually have doubled the staff we had one week ago so response times are on average less than 8 hours (I've seen replies in less than minutes).

So free version users should never be discouraged to contact support. Then again, if you do not feel like waiting you can always post on the forums where there are helpers all over the place.

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I've no idea how long you've been using MalwareBytes, but if you're a new user, ditching the software just like that is pretty harsh on the MBAM team, ventanas... :P

I know MalwareBytes has its ups and downs , having used it for more than half a year. To me, it does have occasional glitches in updates and scanning speed issues but i haven't forget the three times it saved my pc when nothing else does, not even SUPERAntispyware, by the way. All security suites have weakness and having tested so many security software myself, i daresay MalwareBytes has the least mistakes and one of the fastest response time towards bugs and signature updates.

If you think MalwareBytes are worse off, remember that it could be even worse! It could end up like Ad-Aware!

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