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Weird Connections to Router

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Hi guys! Last night I ran into a weird connection issue which I'm not sure is malware related.

First, off, let me say that I'm always careful when browsing the interwebs - I only visit a handful of trusted sites, including a forum that I run, I never visit questionable sites, never open attachments except when I absolutely trust the contents, and I run Chrome with JS and plugins disabled unless I absolutely trust the site. I also run Avast Internet Security (minus firewall), Comodo Internet Security, and MBAM Pro (recent convert from free :P ). I scan regularly with both avast and MBAM, several times per week, just in case something slipped by. I also run Chrome sandboxed with Sandboxie. No one has access to my PC other than me.

So anyways, I was browsing with Chrome last night (my forum), got up to grab a snack, came back, and noticed some hard drive activity (hdd indicator light was on). I opened Comodo's active connection log and spotted over 100 connections from my PC to port 4444 of my router, a Dlink DIR 655. I immediately scanned with MBAM and Avast - both scans came up clean. I also scanned again today, did an Avast boot time scan, and a full scan with MBAM - still clean.

Now, the Speedguide page for port 4444 indicates a bunch of nasties use that port, and some legit software. But MBAM/Avast would have detected those things, correct? and, those nasties would connect to a remote address, not my router, right? I haven't seen any connections to port 4444 since last night. There aren't any programs listening for connections, but I've blocked any connections to port 4444 (ingress and egress) for now.

I noticed that Chrome background updated last night around the same time this happened. Is it possible that's what happened?

I might be overly paranoid, but I just want to make sure that something isn't wrong. Thanks guys for any advice!

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Hello and :welcome:

It is hard to say what may have happened...., but if you want to be sure you don't have some sort of an infection follow the instructions below....

Hello, and Welcome to Malwarebytes

If you think you are infected, here are the steps needed to get your computer cleaned....

Please read the following so that you can begin the cleaning process:

You have 3 Options that you can choose from as listed below:

[*]Option 1

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