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Anyone have a hammer and a few 10 penny nails?

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:lol: :lol: It took me a while to get that one! :lol:

This reminds me that 50% of Americans have an IQ lower than 100 :unsure:

Well.. As an American all I can say is we have two distinct intellectual periods; before Dr. Spock.. and with/after Dr. Spock.. As you talk to older Americans such as myself (BEFORE Spock), last time I was tested (and I've grown more stupid with age) I had an IQ of 157.. I've seen people and friends, that are younger (20s) that are recent graduates of today's American High Schools that can't spell (or use) 10 words in a row correctly. Your and you're as well as Its and it's misused are a sure sign of today's education in America. :P (That said; you see a misspelled word in one of my posts, it's either a typo on my part.. or a typo/misused on the article I've copied over. :rolleyes:)


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Needless illiteracy is also a long time peeve of mine but i need to keep my blood pressure down so..... :)

I've been dealing with illiteracy in users' writings from my BBS days in the early 1980s through days of Prodigy, GEnie, BIX, The Exchange, The Well, internet newsgroups, etc, et al. and to/including today. I gave up on that pet peeve to preserve my sanity. Can't blame my high blood pressure on them though.. THAT started with the birth of my son 39 years ago. :lol:


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To paraphrase Abraham Lincoln's "A man is known by the company he keeps," I say a man (woman) is known by the words they keep.. (as in spell and use them correctly in conversation :))

@Dark: I am envious of anyone that can hold his own in his non-native language (English) better that a English native-speaker, as well as speak more than just a few more. I have a mental impairment (I think) in whichever area of a person's brain that "learns" things like language and programming and such. In school I made "C"s in Latin and I spent 3 years in Germany as an Army brat and 25 years in south Florida surrounded by Cuban Spanish-speakers and I can barely speak perhaps 10-15 words in each. The only programming I've ever been good at is an obscure BBS language called ACOS. I've tried C and C++; I've tried BASIC; I can't even write PHP, Perl or scripting.. And the older I get, the worse it becomes. :blink: As I said previously; I have the intelligence. For some reason the higher power never gave me the tools to master many things. In the states we have an old idiom; "Jack of all trades; master of none.." That's me. *wry grin*


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I have a mental impairment (I think) in whichever area of a person's brain that "learns" things like language and programming and such. In school I made "C"s in Latin and I spent 3 years in Germany as an Army brat and 25 years in south Florida surrounded by Cuban Spanish-speakers and I can barely speak perhaps 10-15 words in each. The only programming I've ever been good at is an obscure BBS language called ACOS. I've tried C and C++; I've tried BASIC; I can't even write PHP, Perl or scripting.. And the older I get, the worse it becomes. :blink: As I said previously; I have the intelligence. For some reason the higher power never gave me the tools to master many things. In the states we have an old idiom; "Jack of all trades; master of none.." That's me. *wry grin*


Don't worry Shy, everyone is better at something else. For example, I can't do sports or anything that requires any physical force other than...walking, typing or clicking. And I'm not even fat or anything, I'm just too weak. :lol:

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My obsessive-compulsive brain makes me weed out any anomalies in anything (except organization):lol: I am the ultimate perfectionist. Not just with spelling, but whenever I see any commas that might have been misplaced. Errors like those are forgivable if the person is from another country, but not if English is your first language.

TxD, congrats on the English! I wouldn't have known just by looking that you that Croatian is your native language. I am fascinated by the European languages (basically by all languages, but especially European)

FUN FACT: There are over 6,000 known languages!

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Well, I am fluent in PigLatin :lol: :lol:

I used to be pretty good at Spanish but not anymore, haven't done that since high school :(

I'd love to re-learn Spanish and maybe German or something too...

because PigLatin is only good for when you don't want your teachers to know what you are saying... ::haha::

One of my friends speaks at least three languages VERY well not including English and English is not her first language and she speaks that very well too :)

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