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MB update errors

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We have 4 mch, 2 Desk 2 Laptops. 3 of these run Windows, 2 are XP, 1 Win7 and 1 Linux.

Whilst doing AV scans recently I was dismayed to find that all 3 windows mch's failed to update Malwarebytes! Even though they were all working fine previously.

In each case there is an AV program (Avira or MSSE) and Malwarebytes is used as an "on-demand" scanner". The AV scans by Avira or MSSE found nothing. So was there a little known virus on all 3?

Using one of the XP mch's, further checks were done with Comodo Cleaning Essentials and SUPERAntiSpyware both declared the PC clean. This was repeated on the other two with the same result.

Now I suspect faulty MB software - so delete MB on one XP mch. and download from malwarebytes.org

That also gives errors!


Current database not supported by this version

It seems that one may get MB or MB from your site. Using the Majorgeeks download ( gives a consistent prg-err-load-db...

As one of the XP mch's has a HDD caddy I did the following;-

a low level zero of a complete hdd

installed XP from Windows disk (no internet connection)

Installed SP3 from CD

Used Linux mch to download MB & Avira from official sites, copied to erased USB mem.

Installed MB & Avira from USB

Now this unit has never been in the internet, so very unlikely that it has any virus.

Running MB works only if one does NOT check the update box when finally connected to the internet.

On update gives prg_err_load...

If mbam-clean is run and installed and the rules are updated with mbam-rules.exe then mbam runs but says rules are 28 days out of date ?

So, with MB and rules 6756 - 317867 fingerprints loaded a full scan shows nothing.

This works on all 3 mch's but, none of the units will do a second update without giving error msg.

if you click "yes" to the program start popup. (which tells you "database outdated by n days - update yes / no)

However, if one selects "No" the program starts. Now selecting "Update" > "Check for Updates" gives

the popup "You have the latest database version" > OK !?

Could do with some consistency here.


Manually Updating Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware (MBAM)


Use the button below to download the offline database installer:

Someone is supposed to be updating the mbam-rules.exe download once a week now.

If there are any lapses in the update frequency, please feel free to stop by the official forums and let them know.

28 days out of date as of June 02 - so I am letting you know.

Anyone here have a sensible explanation for this - I don't think the PC has any malware causing this.

Thanks in advance.

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Someone is supposed to be updating the mbam-rules.exe download once a week now.

If there are any lapses in the update frequency, please feel free to stop by the official forums and let them know.

28 days out of date as of June 02 - so I am letting you know.

Please note that gt500.org is a private site that just carries updates for its members and they link here just to help out .

Use the solution listed below from our FAQ listings - - -

ISSUE: I need to get the latest database onto a computer that cannot access the Internet.

SOLUTION: You can manually copy the database from a working computer using a flash drive or CD onto the infected PC. Our database file is stored in the following locations.

  • Windows XP and 2000
  • C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\rules.ref
  • Windows Vista and Windows 7:
  • C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\rules.ref

You can also download a manual update from here - NOTE: This manual update will always be way behind in version level compared to updates from within the program

Thank You -

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Thanks for the reply but....

Perhaps, in an effort to help I sent a somewhat verbose post. :(

If you had read the post (obviously too long) you would have recognised that I have already done all that you suggested.

I don't need a standard crib-sheet reply thanks.

To make it absolutely clear;-

1.) mbam clean has been run (after deleting MB and restart) and restarted again.

2.) MB has been (loaded from official site) [released May 29 2011]

when run Program returns the error msg;- PROGRAM_ERROR_LOAD_DATABASE (0,13, CreateSDK)

This occurs on first run regardless of whether or not you clear the update box.

3.) Once this error msg occurs the program cannot be run unless one deletes the rules.ref file.

4.) With the rules.ref file deleted the program will now run. (but with an expected no rules error)

5.) If you now run mbam-rules.exe (from http://malwarebytes.gt500.org/) the program will run.

If you do not update the dBase file the program will work normally, i.e. can do a quick or full scan.

6.) After scanning click yes to update on start or within the program gives "You have the latest dBase" which is obviously not correct.

Some further info:

The rules.ref file sizes (bytes)

a) loaded via mbam-rules.exe = 6,651,355 Works

b) loaded with MB = 6,762,988 Does not work error msg above

c) loaded by one mch on program

update tab at first run = 6,796,853 Does not work error msg above

Item c) is odd as I have not been able to repeat this.

MB is functional, because I turned off MS update notification and MB found the changed registry entry.

Mch. runs Firefox 4, Sun Java, MS Security essentials (real time protection "off" during this testing)

I have IE8 locked down with only MS update sites in "Trusted". Win Firewall on. Netgear router.


Q1. Is there an official MB site where one can download rules.ref (or mbam-rules.exe) ?

Q2. Is there a URL or IP add. that I should add to trusted sites for mbam update purposes ?



After calling some friends I found 2 with MB both running - but after updating (downloads 9Mb then 6.44 then updates again 6.44Mb) both have the same error msg ! (as above)

I now have two friends who accuse ME of corrupting their files !

One has it working by applying 1,2,4 & 5. The other is not speaking to me.

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  • Root Admin

What you can do for now:

  • While we review the root cause of this issue you can still download Malwarebytes Anti-Malware from Filehippo and install the last version before this release and continue to use it.
  • Simply change it so that it does not automatically download Program updates but it will still download database updates just fine.
  • During the installation as it approaches the end it will ask you if you want to Update Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware - just uncheck that option as shown


  • Then it will start to launch the program and show you the following dialog box asking to update the database, make sure you click NO


  • Then once the program starts click on the Settings tab and on the bottom click on the Updater Settings tab and uncheck the option that says Download and install program update if available


  • Then click on the Update tab and check for updates and this time it should only check for and download database updates.
  • Keep an eye out on the board and as soon as we have a fix for it we'll post about it.

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Thanks for the swift reply. I did not expect such dedication over the weekend. Thank you, the effort is much appreciated.

Tried the suggestions, however, the results are the same as I mentioned before.

1) XP mch. (believed to be clean)

Uninstalled MB, ran mbam-clean.exe. Ran the Filehippo Malwarebytes Anti-Malware (7.38MB (Shareware))

Followed the steps as listed...

"Then click on the Update tab and check for updates and this time it should only check for and download database updates." (True. exactly what it did)

Result on update was;-

"The current database is not supported by this version of Malwarebytes.

Please download the latest version of the program."

One cannot get out of this - this error msg. repeats on start-up.

Again if I run mbam-rules.exe the program works (as long as one does not update anything)


2) Win 7 (64bit)

Same result as above.

Further info: loads rules.ref 5363 Works (if not updated)

rules ref (loaded with mbam-rules.exe works with both and

size 6,651,355 listed in program as "Database version: 6516"

The dbase downloaded by either prog, size 6,805,570 bytes, does not run.

Error msg. is "The current database is not supported by this version of Malwarebytes.

Please download the latest version of the program"


Part of log (Win 7 mch)

Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware


Database version: 6516

Windows 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1

Internet Explorer 9.0.8112.16421

06/06/2011 16:36:55

mbam-log-2011-06-06 (16-36-55).txt

Scan type: Quick scan

Objects scanned: 139869

Time elapsed: 2 minute(s), 50 second(s)


One other thing I noticed, is that the same Dbase loaded with mbam-rules.exe gives a different "Database version:" number on different days.

Also in the first post;-

"So, with MB and rules 6756 - 317867 fingerprints loaded a full scan shows nothing." this was loaded by the same mbam-rules.exe. used in the Win 7 mch. above but listed as 6516.

Maybe this points to something ?

Thanks for the weekend post

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  • Root Admin

You may want to try this again and make sure you temporarily disable your Anti-Virus while installing MBAM.

I had our team take a look and they were not able to duplicate your issue. Using the older program version works just fine with database updates on all platforms.

Please do the following:

  • Download and run mbam-clean.exe from here
  • It will ask to restart your computer, please allow it to do so very important
  • After the computer restarts, temporarily disable your Anti-Virus and install the latest version of Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware from here
    • Note: You will need to reactivate the program using the license you were sent via email if using the Pro version
    • Launch the program and set the Protection and Registration. Then go to the UPDATE tab if not done during installation and check for updates.
      Restart the computer again and verify that MBAM is in the task tray if using the Pro version. Now setup any file exclusions as may be required in your Anti-Virus/Internet-Security/Firewall applications and restart your Anti-Virus/Internet-Security applications. You may use the guides posted in the FAQ's here or ask and we'll explain how to do it.

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