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I have ended up with this and it seems to be causing me all manner of problems, including not being able to download anything recommended here that will deal with it.

I've been going around in circles since last night when a Windows (or so I thought) message took me to a site for downloads, and like an idiot (which I am when it comes to techi stuff) I downloaded it and another anti spy/ad ware programme along with the AV Pro.

I was having problems with the PC suddenly restarting in the middle of things previously, but this PC is now almost impossible to use now.

My machine runs in XP Home Office. Can anyone help, please? It's not allowig me to download Malware etc.

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I have ended up with this and it seems to be causing me all manner of problems, including not being able to download anything recommended here that will deal with it.

I've been going around in circles since last night when a Windows (or so I thought) message took me to a site for downloads, and like an idiot (which I am when it comes to techi stuff) I downloaded it and another anti spy/ad ware programme along with the AV Pro.

I was having problems with the PC suddenly restarting in the middle of things previously, but this PC is now almost impossible to use now.

My machine runs in XP Home Office. Can anyone help, please? It's not allowig me to download Malware etc.

Hi OldDragon and welcome to Malwarebytes. Are you able to use another PC to download and copy the files to a CD then put them onto your PC? If you can use a friends machine to get MBAM on a CD and then to your machine you can possibly clean it enough to update MBAM again and scan then go to the HJT forum and post a HJT log and a MBAM log.

Please run a quick scan of your main drive, usually C with MBAM making sure you check all items found for removal.

Or try using this online scanner for free it may remove it.

Then go here and run a scan PandaActive Scan There is a full tutorial on how to to this at the top of this forum.

Post the logs from the Panda and MBAM scans please, along with a log from this program HiJack This! in the forum here .

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  • 3 weeks later...
Are you able to use another PC to download and copy the files to a CD then put them onto your PC? If you can use a friends machine to get MBAM on a CD and then to your machine you can possibly clean it enough to update MBAM again and scan then go to the HJT forum and post a HJT log and a MBAM log.

Please run a quick scan of your main drive, usually C with MBAM making sure you check all items found for removal.

Or try using this online scanner for free it may remove it.

Then go here and run a scan PandaActive Scan There is a full tutorial on how to to this at the top of this forum.

Post the logs from the Panda and MBAM scans please, along with a log from this program HiJack This! in the forum here .


My computer is infected with AntivirusPro too. I've purchased MBAM and burned a CD of it, transferred it to my infected computer. I ran a scan and I have the log on my infected computer. Now I'm not sure how to procede. Your instructions say "make sure you check all items found for removal." Does that mean I should go ahead and remove those infected files? If I delete a file that my computer needs to function, won't I have a big problem?

I'm not sure how to safely proceed.


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  • Root Admin

Yes you should choose the button to have MBAM fix the items found. In all but rare cases MBAB should be safe to allow it to remove any infections found. No one can assure you 100% that it is safe but typically it is.

If you can copy the log to a USB stick or something or get online with that computer and post the logs that would greatly help.

A LOT of typing but you could also retype if it you're that nervous about it and we'll review the log to let you know more.

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