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I downloaded Superfast Shutdown from XP Smoker.com .It said that it would most likely be picked up by Anti-Virur/Spyware programs and is not a virus,just ignore the warning.Malwarebytes call it HackTool.Shutdown .Any word on this as it works great,but there must be a reason why all the bells and whistlees are going off.Please advise me on this as I'm confused because it does what it's supposed to but what else is the problem?

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Hello and :wacko:

Please submitt the file in question that is getting flagged as HackTool.Shutdown to the False Positives Section HERE for review. Please read the section entitled Read Before Reporting A False Positive located HERE for instructions on how to do this.

If it is found to be a false positive they will correct it pretty quickly.

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I downloaded Superfast Shutdown from XP Smoker.com .It said that it would most likely be picked up by Anti-Virur/Spyware programs and is not a virus,just ignore the warning.Malwarebytes call it HackTool.Shutdown .Any word on this as it works great,but there must be a reason why all the bells and whistlees are going off.Please advise me on this as I'm confused because it does what it's supposed to but what else is the problem?

This tool is generally detected by AV programs because it has both good and bad usage and can be used for good and bad purposes. However , the security program (like MBAM) is there to protect you and it has no way to know if the file is going to be used for good or bad purpose.

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