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Accessing websites requires uninstall Malwarebytes

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Hi Folks.

For months I have been using a paid/registered version of Malwarebytes with no problems whatsoever. It (MWB) suddenly started blocking some of my commonly accessed websites. I disabled the real time protection module altogether, and I also registered the URL's as safe. The site blocking continued. It was not until I uninstalled MWB altogether that I regained access to those sites. I used a custom uninstall program (YourUninstaller) to make sure I uninstalled MWB as thoroughly as I could.

I have paid for this program and think it essential to the ongoing protection of my computer so I installed the shareware (i.e. free) version of MWB without the real time shield function - same problem. The sites were once again inaccessible. I suspect that the uninstall was not as thorough as I thought because even the free version's icon had a shield on it.

What can I do to prevent this site blocking that continues despite turning off/disabling real time protection - and still benefit by MWB's other functions?


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The simplest solution would be to enable the protection module in Malwarebytes and visit the site that you do not want to be blocked. Once you see the tray notification that the website was blocked, right-click on the red M Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware icon in your tray and use the Add to Ignore List menu to have the IP ignored.

You should then close your internet browser and re-open it and try visiting the site again. If that does not work then you may need to clear your browser cache. You can use the steps below to do so:

Clear Temp Files Using ATF Cleaner:

  • Please download ATF Cleaner by Atribune from here and save the file to your desktop.
  • Close all open internet browser windows
  • Run ATF Cleaner by double clicking it.
  • Once the program opens, click the box next to Select All
    • Note: this will delete all cookies saved by sites that you have visited so if you need to keep any cookies for automatic logins etc then uncheck the Cookies option

    [*]Once that's all set click on the Empty Selected button and it will remove the temporary files from your system.

    [*]If you use Firefox or Opera browsers then click the appropriate button at the top of the program and delete the temp files from them as well following the same procedure.

Currently, the way the Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware malicious website blocker works, it does not disengage when you exit the protection module. You have to right-click on the tray icon and uncheck Website Blocking for it to be disabled.

If you want to permanently disable the website blocker then please do the following:

  • Open Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware and click on the Protection tab
  • Uncheck Start malicious website blocking when protection module starts.
  • Close Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware and restart your computer

Please let me know if the issue is now resolved or not.


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  • Staff
Sorry for the double post. Is there a way to edit posts that I'm overlooking?

Any site that references torrents ended up inaccessible - more and more were added over a period of 2-3 days.

Malwarebytes blocks access to most torrents by default due to the large amount of malicious activity usually seen on them. Just add them to ignore:

To access a site that is currently blocked that you wish to view, you may add it to the IP Protection ignore list(v1.42 required) as described below:
Navigate to the page, when the alert appears, right-click the Malwarebytes system tray icon(near clock) and select an IP or all IPs listed and they will now be added to the ignore option and listed in the 'Ignore' tab. You may need to refresh the page to access the site.

To remove IPs from ignore, open Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware and once open, there will be a series of tabs, labeled in order:
Scanner | Protection | Update | Quarantine | Logs | Ignore list | Settings | More Tools | About

Click the 'Ignore' tab. Then highlight an IP listed and then click the 'Remove' button. The IP in question should now be viewable. You may need to refresh the page. In some cases even clear DNS cache

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