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I'm kind of new. I joined just to kind of raise awareness of a (believed to be new) virus I got hit by while browsing on my boyfriend's PC. Not sure why the post was deleted... can anyone shed some light on that? I guess I didn't follow a rule or something... but I'd like to know which one I broke, because I'd like to be able to post without my threads getting deleted. :)


Ryesen Grear

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I posted in the "New Malware" forum. I didn't have any of the virus files attached to the post, because I had to remove them from the computer. It was a FakeAv variant that I picked up from facebook, and it took over the system. When it downloaded itself, it was called "Security Tool 2011," which was what led me to believe that it's fairly recent. I had never dealt with a Windows virus before, because my primary operating system is a Mac. (No, I'm not wanting to debate the age-old which is better.... I'm not that kind of Mac user lol.) As a result of the unfamiliarity with viruses, I had no clue that you could submit the samples to software sites! But I do know exactly which facebook application led to the infection. So I had that mentioned in the post. Is that why it got deleted?


Where did you post and did it have the virus attached to the post?

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I posted in the "New Malware" forum. I didn't have any of the virus files attached to the post, because I had to remove them from the computer. It was a FakeAv variant that I picked up from facebook, and it took over the system. When it downloaded itself, it was called "Security Tool 2011," which was what led me to believe that it's fairly recent. I had never dealt with a Windows virus before, because my primary operating system is a Mac. (No, I'm not wanting to debate the age-old which is better.... I'm not that kind of Mac user lol.) As a result of the unfamiliarity with viruses, I had no clue that you could submit the samples to software sites! But I do know exactly which facebook application led to the infection. So I had that mentioned in the post. Is that why it got deleted?

Probably didn't have enough information. :) If you can next time(hope not) put in a zip file and upload it to Virus Total(before zipping and posting)and post the results along with it. :)

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Spammers. GUH. Don't like them. lol. Just as bad as virus writers. (Dislike them more than spammers.) So the computer troubles aren't over. Apparently there are also "Update Quicktime" scams out there.... and they cause error code 000024! Hurrah..... :P

(At least it wasn't me that got the computer infected this time.....)

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