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69 Years Ago Today


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In remembrance of those servicemen who lost their lives on December 7, 1941 "The Attack on Pearl Harbor" RIP.


How soon people forget, Popeye..



FDR's speech to Congress (and the American people)

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I haven't forgotten. Busy, but not forgotten. Amazing what they went through back then. Shy was only a couple years old :)

Most are 80 years on up that still really remember it first hand.

"Shy was only a couple years old :) ".. :) Just beginning to be a gleam in the old man's eye, ya stinker.. :)

When the Ben Affleck/Kate Beckinsale movie PEARL HARBOR came out a few years ago, half the first showing (they had to get there for the afternoon so they'd be awake :)) was full of survivors all wearing their various ship inscribed baseball caps.. It was amazing.


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"When the Ben Affleck/Kate Beckinsale movie PEARL HARBOR came out a few years ago, half the first showing (they had to get there for the afternoon so they'd be awake :)) was full of survivors all wearing their various ship inscribed baseball caps.. It was amazing.


That movie made me cry........now if you go n tell anybody that I'll kill you :)

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