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Another 1.50 problem...

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After having problems yesterday with another computer and 1.50 (update fails)

now a second computer won't start mbam.

I'm afraid that I have to go back to 1.46 and wait till the 1.50 is stable.

Should have been after the beta tests...


Yeah, I know what to do, uninstall, clean, reinstall.

I hope I don't have to do this with al 6 licenced computers which I gonna check

later this day. ;)

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Hi -

Almost every MBAM_ERROR_LOAD_DATABASE error is corrected by deleting the current rules.ref file and having MBAM download a new copy. In cases where the problem keeps happening repeatedly on a particular system it's usually due to dropped connections and/or packets (often with the slower connection types such as satellite and dialup) or because of antivirus/firewall software interfering.

Thank You -

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Hi -

Almost every MBAM_ERROR_LOAD_DATABASE error is corrected by deleting the current rules.ref file and having MBAM download a new copy. In cases where the problem keeps happening repeatedly on a particular system it's usually due to dropped connections and/or packets (often with the slower connection types such as satellite and dialup) or because of antivirus/firewall software interfering.

Thank You -

Well, connection is fine and computers are too. I have high-speed internet (cable).

Since other programs have no connection errors on database updates I suspect

either a program bug for the updates or servers which are unstable.

I deinstalled, cleaned and reinstalled and problem is gone.

What I noticed:

From the 6 computers I had to clean and reinstall 2 of them; on them

was the beta 1.50 which was automaticly updated to the 1.50 new.

The other computers with 1.46 updated without problems so I would

kindly suggest to tell other people to deinstall a beta before installing

a new version OR to look what's wrong with updating a beta version.

IMHO it's not a coincidence that the 2 computers with the beta had problems

and the others not...

AND PLEASE if their are problems with servers, tell us so we don't have to go

trough all that work but simple wait or delete the rules.def!

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