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MWB & Windows 7 Slowdown?

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I'm using the MWB's free version with Avast Free as my antivirus.

I'd like to upgrade to the paid version of MWB, but after having experienced system slowdown in both XP and Windows-7 with some other on-the-fly security apps (like ZA Internet Security, AVG-9 etc) I'm reluctant to chance this happening again.

Are there any slowdown issues with MWB paid version?

[Windows 7 Professional 64-bit]



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Speaking only for myself, I haven't noticed any problem with MBAM Pro on my own system. I am running Win 7 Pro x64. The CPU is an Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 with 8GB of RAM. The motherboard is a Supermicro C2SBX. I run AVG 9 Internet Security. Haven't gotten around to going to AVG 2011 yet.


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