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Question about Roxio D2D


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Hi everyone. I have just installed Roxio D2D on my computer for work and it is not showing the correct drive to read my CD-R/DVD-R. Does anyone know how to change this so it will stop reading my "recovery" drive as the destination?

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Yes but unfortunately they dont seem to be as forthcoming and helpful as this one. Still waiting on anyone to even look at my topic. BTW nice EOD badge. You really get that?

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Yes I really earned my badge.... I reached the Senior level.....

Off topic:

The "crab," as it is commonly known, is the only joint service badge and can only be earned upon successful completion of The Naval School of Explosive Ordnance Disposal.

THE WREATH is symbolic of the achievements and laurels gained by minimizing accident potentials, through the ingenuity and devotion to duty of its members. It is in memory of the EOD personnel who have given their lives while performing EOD duties.

THE BOMB was copied from the design of the World War II Bomb Disposal Badge. The bomb represents the historic and major objective of the EOD attack, the unexploded bomb. The three fins represent the major areas of nuclear, conventional, and chemical/biological warfare.

THE LIGHTNING BOLTS symbolize the potential destructive power of the bomb and the courage and professionalism of EOD personnel in their endeavors to reduce hazards as well as to render explosive ordnance harmless.

THE SHIELD represents the EOD mission which is to protect personnel and property in the immediate area from an inadvertent detonation of hazardous ordnance.

THE STAR in the middle of the bomb represents a Technician who has attained Senior EOD competency. The star in the middle of the badge, coupled with the miniature wreath and star at the top of the badge represent an EOD Technician who has attained Master EOD competency.

End off Topic....

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