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Sweet Lemminade for you! Shy :P

Thank you "T" my friend.. A glass of ice-cold lemming'ade is a pleasing beverage on a MBAMPro Forum marathon session.. :P

Hmmmm.. why is there fur floating on top?? (eeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww)

Remind me, some day, to tell you a joke about a Furry with a Syringe on Top.. It's a classic.


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HAHAHAHA! Sure you want to go there Steve? Puns can be great fun, will post my own favorite and see how much trouble i get into :P


Bring it on, my friend... (Wait; wasn't BRING IT ON a movie about cheerleaders??) ikzM9.gif

TZTi8.jpg . . . "Face Palm" the hard way; degree of difficulty; 82; score??

"That's what he said.."



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