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pre-installed programs on laptop problem.

mbam daz.

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i recently used a program called slim computer which scans for programs which are pre-installed on your computer when bought new.

i have a toshiba laptop and i was just wondering if anyone knew if its safe to remove the toshiba services and products which came with the computer pre-installed.? will it damage the computer by removing these.?

many thanks.


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Hi mbam daz -

You can try RA Products Uninstallers and see if their "Antiseptic Cleaner" or other cleaners can help with this -

Read the Uninstallers programs there and see if you can find other items that help you with preinstalled items -

It was the first site I used when I purchased my laptop -

Fredvires is collecting as many uninstallers as he can find and lists them on the site -

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hi noknojon.

yeah,uninstalling them isnt a problem.its what will happen when i un-install them that is the problem.

they are all toshiba products and programs that i feel i dont need.im not certain if these programs HAVE to be on the computer for it to operate correctly.

many thanks to you.

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I would do some research first before removing anything.:P Products like Sony have update programs installed to scan for new driver/software updates from Sony. Don't know about Toshiba, but Dell has the Dell Support Center(in my opinion spyware/adware service)which is perfectly safe to remove and often come with products such as Adobe Reader.

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I would check out the Toshiba website and do a some research on there. Also if they have forums you can ask and search on there as well. It is also a good idea to do some research before making major changes to your computer, such as uninstalling things like you want to do.

I agree with Goldhound, best to just disable items from startup, that way if it turns out you do need them, you didn't get rid of them.

Good luck! :P

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The only things I would be careful about are OEM specific applications for built-in peripherals such as webcams, memory card /smartcard readers, thumbprint scanners.

Things such as 'solution center/system update/big fix' type crap I get rid of. Also any online backup offerings. I also tend to despise any kind of toobars :P

One thing I like to keep on a laptop are the OEM's brand of power management when available. ...but that's just a personal preference.

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hi ,

ive decided to remove what the slim computer recommended and in all honesty i didnt need what was removed and it hasnt affected my computer in any way.

many thanks for the advice.

bye for now.

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After going over all the preinstalled programs on my new Toshiba Satellite laptop , I have found that several preinstalled programs/items are related to required items and there are several I would not remove at this time - As per PedroHin , there are several items I would not touch -

I feel that they are required drivers and items that would need to be replaced by 3rd party items - Leave what you think may be OK -

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