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Old school kicks ....

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:) that brings back memories

You and me both... We didn't get laptops in the field until year 24 of my 28 at my former employer. We had over 75 pounds of hard copy service manuals in the car/van.. :)

Then my eyes started going bad about the same time they put "manuals" on CD and we got the laptops so I wound up begging hard copies anywhere I could get them. *grin*

Life's a...


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wish I was that young :) we didn't have calculating machines, pencil & paper :) When I was in school the closest thing to a CD was a frisbee :) but I got kids & grandkids so I know what your saying :)

We had to use our fingers and toes when I was in school. And I got two old kids and three getting old grandkids.. I appreciate the young remark.. if only twas accurate. I think 27 was the best age! You had Frisbees?? We had to throw hula-hoops.. They don't fly far either..


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