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Cheap? New Window Glass

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Replacement Windows


Last year I replaced all the windows in my house with that expensive

double-pane energy efficient kind, and today, I got a call from the

contractor who had installed them.

He was complaining that the work had been completed a whole year ago

and I still hadn't paid for them.

Hellloooo,............just because

I'm blonde doesn't mean that I am automatically stupid.

So, I told him just what his fast talking sales guy had told me last

year, "that in ONE YEAR these windows would pay for themselves!

Helllooooo? It's been a year!", I told him.

There was only silence

at the other end of the line, so I finally just hung up.

He never called back.

I bet he felt like an idiot.

---- :)

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Replacement Windows


I bet he felt like an idiot.

---- :)

:) :) :) B) :D:):D I got coffee all over everything but that was a ZerDc.gif moment.


Nice one John - PS; anybody seen the 30 messages I somehow lost between last night and this morning?? I mean.. I'm a blond (very graying) and everything but.... honestly.. losing post count sounds more like something a brunette would do, yes??


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Shy, I am a brunette and I didn't lose any posts so it must be related to ... :) :)

So what you're saying is graying blonds lose more posts?? *grin* Actually I made the mistake of doing some image weeding on Imgur and the attachment area here to get rid of 28-day or older "attachments" (255 limit on Imgur/Marcin gets upset here :)) and it left gaping "holes" in some of my older messages and I guess some enterprising MOD decided to clean house on me last night and every one he deleted dropped my post count by one. Grrrr...

Still can't get an answer on post count to make Forum Deity.. I thought it was 1250 but I was obviously wrong.. *sigh*


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255 limit on Imgur/Marcin gets upset here. Still can't get an answer on post count to make Forum Deity.. I thought it was 1250 but I was obviously wrong...

I have reached 255 limit too and don't want to go PRO, I wasn't even able to upload any image yesterday, so I used tinypic instead, by the way I too have countdown :)

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I have reached 255 limit too and don't want to go PRO, I wasn't even able to upload any image yesterday, so I used tinypic instead, by the way I too have countdown :)

@Haider: If you log out, you can upload to the open gallery which is public (have to be careful what gets posted there concerning SPAM snaps or User Info) and copy the link to that picture. Not sure how long these images stay online though. But that's a way around the limit. I like Imgur because I can use the Firefox add-in to click on an image and send it directly to my account. If you look in the TOOLS section on the Imgur site there are two more machine-type add-ons where it generates a SEND TO -> IMGUR but both use a different Imgur API and the upload will ALWAYS go to the public site; NEVER to your account.

EDIT: Hmmm.. I just generated an account on PhotoBucket and added the Firefox extension and it seems as easy as using Imgur even if the IMG link is much longer. :)


Edited by ShyWriter
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