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Hi TRV7290 and Welcome -

Did that error number come up as you began to scan , after a scan , during an update , or while you were downloading Malwarebytes -

Can you also please list any Antivirus , Firewall , And any other security programs installed -

Thank You -

Hello. Thanks for getting back to me. The error came up as I was launching the program. I have been running the program with updates for the last couple of weeks. I am running WIN XP Professional, McAfee Security Suite (real-time scanner, anti virus, firewall), CCleaner.

Here is an overview.

Yesterday, McAfee real-time scanner popped up with JS/Redirector.j trojan. The window showed that it was "repaired." But now system is running very slow and have been getting some various issues.

Prior to all of the above, the Mcafee software was up-to-date earlier yesterday, but after these events the mcafee software pop up told me I was not updated for atleast 8 days and run update. The update was run again, for only a short amount of time, then restarted.

Here is two of the Mcafee errors, which happned at different times:

AppName: mcshell.exe AppVer: ModName: jscript.dll

ModVer: 5.8.6001.18702 Offset: 00032e86

szAppName : mcsysmon.exe szAppVer : szModName : mccoreps.dll

szModVer : offset : 0000a9b6

The computer system and internet access were both running very slow.

After, I ran the Malwarebytes software in quick mode, and it took longer then usual, but came back with nothing. While it was running I did notice some files which I don't think I downloaded (even a while back), such as some type of anti virus software and other names which I don't know.

From there, I was getting various errors when using IE8 including ""Errors on this webpage might cause it to work incorrectly" and if I want a copy of them to click the yellow triangle in the lower left hand corner (the one that comes up with errors).

That is when I tried to launch the Malwarebytes software and got the error I posted in the original posting. Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware Error - "MBAM_ERROR_CHECK_INFECTED (1816, 7)"

Since then I was able to slowly get to the internet today, and when I went to run Mcafee scan, an error came up "Scanning has encountered a problem from which it cannnot recover. Here are the problem details: Scan failed to start; result=-2147467259" ---

Since then, I was able to download the McAfee Virtual Technician and launch it. It came back with the following 3 errors.

VirusScan - McAfee VirusScan Plus

Problem: Registry entry problem(s) detected (1)

Problem: Service startup type incorrect (1)

Problem: DAT out of date



Registry 1 Registry key(s) incorrect

Expected Registry Value not Present

Expected : 1

Existing : 0

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\McAfee\VSCore\On Access Scanner\MCShield\Configuration ScanCookies



Service 1 service(s) incorrect

Expected Service Startup type Incorrect

Expected : manual

Existing : automatic

Service : mcods C:\PROGRA~1\McAfee\VIRUSS~1\mcods.exe



DAT and Engine 1 DAT / Engine update

DAT not Up-to-date

Expected : 6139

Existing: 6138

Engine Up-to-date

Expected : 5200

Existing: 5400

AFTER following the prompts it auto fixed the them, but then it provided a prompt to re-check and came up with the ERROR Three again - DAT not Up-to-date - so I click the update link it prompted and the fix button and is presently "updating" DAT. It's been running for a while and is about 54%.


If you seek any additional information I will do my best to provide this to you.

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Hi again -

This is a very unusual error message (don't think I have seen this one) - I am not sure if it relates to the McAfee or Malwarebytes -

Please let our experts review and repair this (Free) for you - Please follow these instructions -

The full logs will provide them with much better ideas -

Please print out, read and follow What do I do now? , skipping any steps you are unable to complete.

The next step is post a New Topic Here.

One of the expert helpers there will give you one-on-one assistance when one becomes available.

After posting your new post make sure under options that you select Track this topic and choose one of the Email options so that

you're alerted when someone has replied to your post - Please allow at least 48 hours for a reply as the experts can get busy at times -

Also add a brief note to the experts as to your problems -

Alternatively, as a paying customer, you can contact the help desk at support@malwarebytes.org or via This Link

Always use the ADD REPLY Tab at the bottom of the page when you reply -

Thank You - :)

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