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Error Message

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Hello and :)


Generally this particular error can be corrected by doing the following:

  • Open Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware and click on the Settings tab
  • Click on the Scanner Settings tab in that window
  • Click the box next to each of the following so that they are checked:

    • Scan memory objects.

    • Scan registry objects.

    • Scan filesystem objects.

    • Scan additional items against heuristics.

    • Enable advanced heuristics engine. (Heuristics.Shuriken)

    [*]Try scanning again and you should no longer receive that error.

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Thanks. . .It works fine now!


Generally this particular error can be corrected by doing the following:

  • Open Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware and click on the Settings tab
  • Click on the Scanner Settings tab in that window
  • Click the box next to each of the following so that they are checked:

    • Scan memory objects.

    • Scan registry objects.

    • Scan filesystem objects.

    • Scan additional items against heuristics.

    • Enable advanced heuristics engine. (Heuristics.Shuriken)

    [*]Try scanning again and you should no longer receive that error.

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Display an error message when an unexpected situation on a computer or other device typically is information. Modern operating systems with graphical user interface, error messages are often displayed using dialog boxes. An error message already has a problem that users of the alerts. By contrast, a warning message to users of a condition that may cause a problem in the future alerts.

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