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Trying MBAM again

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Firstly, Malware Defender is a rogue:

(just some examples)





So that might explain why you can't install Mbam... how did you acquire Malware Defender?

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Apologies for the misunderstanding.

You should most certainly have an AV, and I have a list with download links that I recommend that I'd be more than happy to share with you.

Now, does Malware Defender have a place were you can exclude files, processes, etc...? Malwarebytes probably just needs to be excluded, and doing so prior to activating the licensed version would probably solve this issue.

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Apologies for the misunderstanding.

You should most certainly have an AV, and I have a list with download links that I recommend that I'd be more than happy to share with you.

Now, does Malware Defender have a place were you can exclude files, processes, etc...? Malwarebytes probably just needs to be excluded, and doing so prior to activating the licensed version would probably solve this issue.

I do have an AV. I have been using Avast for some time now. I completely removed it before installing MBAM this time around just in case. Malware Defender has all MBAM related as trusted. The service of the svchost process in the prior screenshot that is causing the problem is Microsoft's Base Filtering Engine. I'll do some more testing but I don't any high hopes for joy in the situation.

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Malware Defender 2009 / MalwareDefender2009 Virus Removal Guide

Malware Defender 2009 is a fake antivirus program. The program itself is nonfunctional. The program provides fake virus scan results to the user. The fake program is a clone of Spyware Protect 2009.

Virus Type: Rogue Security Application:

Threat Level: 8 / 10

The majority of security sites classify it as a Fake Rogue program - There is one "legit" program mentioned but even that has a very low rating as an A/V -

If you use Avast then you can/should remove the other program without any problem-

Just my observations on my investigations -

Thank You -

EDITED by noknojon due to conflicting information -

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The majority of security sites classify it as a Fake Rogue program - There is one "legit" program mentioned but even that has a very low rating as an A/V -

If you use Avast then you can/should remove the other program without any problem-

Just my observations on my investigations -

Thank You -

Lol, Geesh you people don't give up. I've already stated that Malware Defender is a Classical Host Intrusion Prevention System. As seen here


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