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BSOD caused by MBAM.sys

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Just started my computer and after loading the desktop, it gave a BSOD. I had no time to copy the error code, so I can't give you it.

But it said it's possible caused by mbam.sys and the computer must be restarted. Some days ago, I had problems because my computer was always restarting until I disabled 'restarting when errors', but now it gives BSOD's instead...

This is all information I have about this...

MBAM version: 1.18 and 1.19

I fixed it by disabling the service via safe mode, now it didn't crash again...

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Make sure you have the system set to show hidden files and folders.

Please set your system to show

all files; Click Start.

Open My Computer.

Select the Tools menu and click Folder Options.

Select the View Tab.

Under the Hidden files and folders heading select Show hidden files and folders.

Uncheck the Hide protected operating system files (recommended) option.

Click Yes to confirm.

Click OK.

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if your using winxp try going in the control panel and open system properties

click on advanced at startup and recovery click on settings

in startup and recovery under system failure make sure there is a check in

write an event to system log

send an administrative alert

under write debugging information make sure you have

small memory dump (64 kb)

and small dump directory as


also in system properties advanced under error reporting make sure to put a check in

enable error reporting

windows operating system


then under choose programs put a check in

all programs

programs from microsoft

windows components


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Just started my computer and after loading the desktop, it gave a BSOD. I had no time to copy the error code, so I can't give you it.

But it said it's possible caused by mbam.sys and the computer must be restarted. Some days ago, I had problems because my computer was always restarting until I disabled 'restarting when errors', but now it gives BSOD's instead...

This is a good thing. Be sure to document the codes and files noted on the screen.



And usually says 0x0000001C and will have a file like ntdll.dll or something similar.

Did you submit the error when it occurred?

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