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Chocolate covered...


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For us chocolate lovers here, other than regular and flavored chocolate of course...

Me, I like chocolate-covered raisins, peanuts, and I also found some chocolate-covered plum-bits at the store a while back and I tried them out. I bought a couple bags the other day when I went grocery shopping. I'm sure there's something else out there that I haven't found yet :)

What do you like that is chocolate covered?

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Oh my gosh, SO delicious! I'd forgotten about those momentarily, because I haven't had them very often :P I'll have to buy a kit, SO good! :)

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I like my chocolate completely by itself and not tainted by anything else that might distract from chocolate perfection. :) I do like chocolatey things like hot chocolate, chocolate cake and chocolate ice-cream, but I tend to think of them as... not chocolate, because if I did think if them as chocolate I'd be disappointed. Much the same way as I don't mind instant coffee, but if I thought of it as 'coffee' (which I am quite fussy about) rather than a separate drink, then I'd think it was awful.

I dislike milk chocolate, but I LOVE dark chocolate - especially Swiss and Belgian chocolate.... *drools*

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For us chocolate lovers here, other than regular and flavored chocolate of course...

Me, I like chocolate-covered raisins, peanuts, and I also found some chocolate-covered plum-bits at the store a while back and I tried them out. I bought a couple bags the other day when I went grocery shopping. I'm sure there's something else out there that I haven't found yet :P

What do you like that is chocolate covered?

Hmmmmmm..... what do I like that is chocolate covered

Edited by AdvancedSetup
removed un called for remark - please do not try to antagonize with such comments
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@ Catscomputer

Ah, very understandable!! I can understand not wanting chocolate with anything :P I however love chocolate both by itself and with other items :) mm mmm mmm!!

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Oo, do you mean like those bread-stick type things that are chocolaty? Or what do you mean?

Sounds yummy either way!!! :P

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hehe, well if you are pigging out, it is a good thing to tell oneself :)

I had some of my dark chocolate covered plum sweets today! I'm trying not to have more than one "serving size" a day, but we'll see if I succeed :)

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Not for me mountaintree, just running up the flag to see who may salute it :)

I prefer dark chocolate Truffles :P

Ooooooooooooooooooooooo... You just reminded me; I love those chocolate turtles with the peanuts.. I didn't know truffles grew in chocolate; just kiddin' :lol:


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Ooooooooooooooooooooooo... You just reminded me; I love those chocolate turtles with the peanuts.. I didn't know truffles grew in chocolate; just kiddin' :P


Shy, here is a cool glimpse into the future for you. My best friends of 45 years have done this and at the beginning used seed from my nut trees.

The first Truffles in North America!

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Shy, here is a cool glimpse into the future for you. My best friends of 45 years have done this and at the beginning used seed from my nut trees.

The first Truffles in North America!

Wow!! THAT is cool! I never thought such a thing was possible (shows just how much I know about anything :P). VERY impressive.. I wonder how cold the winter temperature has to be to be capable of growing that type tree. It never gets cold enough down here for a lot of types. We have slightly hot, hot, still hot and not too hot as our four seasons.. :)

Think I'll bookmark that link for future revisiting and much deeper reading. Thanks!!

@mountaintree16 -- I've been known to *adjust* my one-serving size to fit just how badly I want of something. :) :)


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Wow!! THAT is cool! I never thought such a thing was possible (shows just how much I know about anything :)). VERY impressive.. I wonder how cold the winter temperature has to be to be capable of growing that type tree. It never gets cold enough down here for a lot of types. We have slightly hot, hot, still hot and not too hot as our four seasons.. :P

Think I'll bookmark that link for future revisiting and much deeper reading. Thanks!!

@mountaintree16 -- I've been known to *adjust* my one-serving size to fit just how badly I want of something. :) :)


The climate here is very similar to the areas of southern Europe that Truffles grow. Not overly cold, the average coldest temps we see in winter and then only for a few days in Dec/Jan is about + 15/25 F, the rest of the "winter" it is nearly always in the +40's F or warmer.

I could stand a little time in your area in January though......... :)

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The climate here is very similar to the areas of southern Europe that Truffles grow. Not overly cold, the average coldest temps we see in winter and then only for a few days in Dec/Jan is about + 15/25 F, the rest of the "winter" it is nearly always in the +40's F or warmer.

I could stand a little time in your area in January though......... :)

Yeah; a little too hot down here.. Altho', thanks to your fine country, we actually had below freezing temps here several times for several days at a time this year.. Man; I love that cold Canadian air; it even smells fresher down here when it's drug down by El Nino' or the jet stream (I forget which).. Trust me, Christmas when it's 85

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I am on Central Vancouver Island (not Victoria Island which does not exist LOL) Victoria, which is on the southern end of the Island is the capital city of BC.

If you were in Goose Bay Labrador i would have to assume it was a duty thing as it is part of the 'Dew Line", so, my respect!

I will not go near Whistler or Vancouver, way too many peeps there to suit me, i stay here in my little rural hidey hole, hunt, fish, and pan for gold :)

Yes it is true what they do in the woods....


Fishing is good in my pond.......


But those doggone American Eagles come up and steal your lunch :)


Ah heck, i'll sell some gold and buy a lunch......


Perhaps some dark chocolate for dessert :P

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I am on Central Vancouver Island (not Victoria Island which does not exist LOL) Victoria, which is on the southern end of the Island is the capital city of BC.

Duhhh.. I thought about that after logged off but was too lazy to look on a map. I did stay overnight in Victoria after 2 days at whistler.. those ferry rides are a trip..

If you were in Goose Bay Labrador i would have to assume it was a duty thing as it is part of the 'Dew Line", so, my respect!

Was at the SAC base there - Canadians on one side of the runways and us on the other - I was part of what was then the Air Defense Command.

I will not go near Whistler or Vancouver, way too many peeps there to suit me, i stay here in my little rural hidey hole, hunt, fish, and pan for gold :)

It wasn't that bad as I went up after fall visitors and before winter visitors.

Ah heck, i'll sell some gold and buy a lunch......


Perhaps some dark chocolate for dessert :)

Laugh... I see gold and silver... WHERE'S THE BEEF?? :) I love the look of that water from the boat - really nice pix - thanks for sharing... I did waste a bit of time looking for the roll of CHARMIN tp near the bear tho' :) :)


More on BC later... I'm whipped.. The northwest is my favorite part of the continent.

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Phew! I was a little worried for a sec (no offense to anyone that does like chocolate-covered Grasshoppers - it just is something I'd never want to try).

mmmm truffles :P

Not for me mountaintree,
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heheheh yum! :) Sometimes adjustments are necessary :P

@mountaintree16 -- I've been known to *adjust* my one-serving size to fit just how badly I want of something. :) :)


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