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Windows\system32\config\system file corrupt/missing?!


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My computer will not start and is showing the following message:

WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CONFIG\SYSTEM file missing or corrupt

It tells me to use the original disk and press "r" in order to start the process of recovery.

Well, what is that process???

I have the disk, but:

1) it does not want to boot when inserted into drive

2) what is the extent of change this process will bring into my system? I do not want to loose my updates/files!

Please help!

Thank you!


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This happened cause your windows registry has become corrupt. It could be due to hardware failure such as a faulty hard drive, faulty memory, or even malware could have caused this, were you expierancing any issues with malware?

What are the specs for your computer?


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The computer is about 4 years old. It is a Dell Dimension 5150.

Yes, I was having issues with malware before this, but they all seemed to have been addressed. I was showing no malware and was up to date on ALL upgrades.

The disk I have is the Reinstallation disc for Microsoft Windows Home Edition Service Pack 2. When I place it in the drive, nothing happens...

The message on screen is as I had stated:

"Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:


You can attempt to repair this file by starting Windows set up using the original set up CD-ROM. Select "r" at the first screen to start repair."

PS: Sorry if I respond slowly to your questions, but I amm using the library computer at the moment... I am checking my emails one or twice a day... :D

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And just to be clear: I had Windows XP Home Edition Service pack 3 downloaded on my computer, but the disk is from my original installation.


Marktreg: That bug in your avatar gets me every time... :D I keep on swatting the computer screen... :o

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If you think the problem is not malware related, the first thing I would try is a full sector disk check. If you want to try this, please follow the instructions under "Running Checkdisk from the Windows CD" on this web page:


NOTE: On Dell computers F12 usually brings up the Boot Menu.

OK, I'll run with this. What outcome am I looking for?

PS: Once I know how to restore Windows, is there a way for me to do this with out loosing any files/upgrades?

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If the disk check fixes the problem completely, you won't lose any of your files/upgrades etc. But if the problem is a failing hard drive, some of your files may already be corrupted beyond repair.

But we won't know until after the disk check.

The outcome we are looking for is that, after the disk check, you computer will boot up fine again.

If you can, watch what happens when the disk check is running and make a note if it says anything about errors or 'bad sectors', etc.

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OK, I've printed the directions and am leaving the library now. The instructions say this scan can take up to several hours. So, if I get the final result before library closing time (or if my computer gets fixed!), I will post a reply tonight. If not, it will be first thing tomorrow morning (I am on Central time).


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OK since it is a dell, when you turn on the computer hit the F12 key. Look under the options that come up and tell it to run a Hard Drive Diagnostics. If that does not show, just go to Diagnostics and then select the hard drive test.

Let us know if it passes.

To boot to the CD, when you turn on the computer once again hit F12 key and then choose to boot from your CD/DVD drive.

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Well, I am sending this message from my home computer!!! :o

The check lasted slightly over about one hour. It was fairly uneventful, except that once it reached 75% complete, it then backtracked to 50%. It went back and forth a few times. The outcome was that the "CHDSK found and fixed one or more errors on the volume." However, when I exited, Windows failed to load once again with the same "config\system file corrupt" message. For some reason, I decided to run the check once again. This time it showed all clear and Windows loaded! It took close to one hour to update and now everything is running fine. Though... I am knocking on wood as I am typing these words... Gulp!

Thank you all, particularly Marktreg, for your sound advice. I'm sure this darn machine will give me an opportunity to "bug" you again! :D

PS: I did the harddrive test earlier and it did pass (I took it as a good sign...)

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No problem, Amazon. We are glad to help. :D

Sometimes it does take more than one disk check to sort out any corruption problems. However, as the computer is about four years old, it's possible that the hard drive may be starting to fail. It may go on for years yet. But, then again, it may not.

At this stage, I think it would be a good idea if you backed up any important files in case the hard drive does suddenly pack up completely.

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