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Silent J 420

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i'm posting this here because it's obvious you troll these boards to look for ways to get around the removal process of your annoying software.

So if you contine to make these stupid programs i will hunt you down and break all of your fingers (and I won't just break them I will SHATTER them so you will NEVER will be able to F'n TYPE AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!) and don't think i won't I am NOT below a little bit of vengence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P:):):P

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Greetings Silent J 420 and welcome to Malwarebytes :P

I can't say that I don't share your sentiments, I do. Modern malware is a pain. If you're interested in fighting it more in-depth and assisting users in cleaning rogues and other malware off of their systems and you've got the time to spare, please consider signing up at one of the many Malware Removal Training Schools. The training is free and it will enable you to assist infected users in removing these sorts of terrible infections from their systems, thus helping to eliminate the problem :P.

Thanks :)

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Guest remixed

A little story; Years ago my Mother's shiny new 'computer thingy' became infected with a nasty rogue called 'Neospace' (there's one from the past). Without going into detail,despite attemps to pay for this junk (before consulting me) it crashed the computer and all it's contents were lost (or so she thought). Everything including precious photos of my late Father. She become so distraught about this (and so embarrassed she hesitated to tell me about it). This contributed to her becoming very ill which is how i came to learn about it. How angry was i? With the help of a mate who was a computer nerd i traced these bast*rds to a P.O box in central London about 100 meters from my business :P . The administrator of the postal boxes happened to be a drinking buddy of my mate. Skipping the detail Mr Neospace didn't type (or walk) for some considerable time, and i can't say i didn't derive some satisfaction. :P Problem was there were 20 new rogues on the block before the sound of bone and baseball bat had stopped ringing in my ears. As i'm not up to taking on the Russian Mob with or without your help, i discovered a more effective way of vengeance which how i came to be here :)

Some minor detail has been modiied to protect the guilty :)

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A little story; Years ago my Mother's shiny new 'computer thingy' became infected with a nasty rogue called 'Neospace' (there's one from the past). Without going into detail,despite attemps to pay for this junk (before consulting me) it crashed the computer and all it's contents were lost (or so she thought). Everything including precious photos of my late Father. She become so distraught about this (and so embarrassed she hesitated to tell me about it). This contributed to her becoming very ill which is how i came to learn about it. How angry was i? With the help of a mate who was a computer nerd i traced these bast*rds to a P.O box in central London about 100 meters from my business :P . The administrator of the postal boxes happened to be a drinking buddy of my mate. Skipping the detail Mr Neospace didn't type (or walk) for some considerable time, and i can't say i didn't derive some satisfaction. :angry: Problem was there were 20 new rogues on the block before the sound of bone and baseball bat had stopped ringing in my ears. As i'm not up to taking on the Russian Mob with or without your help, i discovered a more effective way of vengeance which how i came to be here :)

Some minor detail has been modiied to protect the guilty :)

lol, you are so funny, it's very fortunate you were able to trace him because most of these guys use laptops to infect your PC, one day I noticed that my malwarebytes kept blocking access to a certain IP address, Angered I traced the IP TO China, I took a look on the map and pinpointed the IP in a chinese street, the little weasel was taking stroll as he tried to hack my computer, I wanted revenge, I wish I could broke his or her legs.

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Greetings Silent J 420 and welcome to Malwarebytes :lol:

I can't say that I don't share your sentiments, I do. Modern malware is a pain. If you're interested in fighting it more in-depth and assisting users in cleaning rogues and other malware off of their systems and you've got the time to spare, please consider signing up at one of the many Malware Removal Training Schools. The training is free and it will enable you to assist infected users in removing these sorts of terrible infections from their systems, thus helping to eliminate the problem :lol:.

Thanks :lol:

I'm interested in spyware removal and am thinking about doing one of those "schools" listed on that link Exile360 posted. I've looked them over and am interested in GeekUniversity. Has anyone done one of these courses? If so, what was your experience? What can I expect?

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