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want to permanently disable ip protection..

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hi.. i m using MBAM realtime.. it has an option called ip protection.. i want to disable it or if there is any way dat i disable popup for ip scanner..

actually problem is dat i m used to utorrent. and wen i download anything from utorrent MBAM continously shows ip blocking popup...

dat popup annoying me ..i unselect it by right click on MBAM taskbar icon but wen i rebooted my pc it comes as enabled.. plz help me.. and sorry 4 bad english

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Well, uTorrent usage is not recommended of course, but, you should leave the IP protection on.

Sounds like what you really want is a silent IP block. So the IP's get blocked, but silently so that you dont' see the bubbles all the time.

Please go here:


Then, scroll down until you find this,

Registry Switches for Controlling IP-Blocking

You want this:


If you really do want to disable it though (not recommended), you want this (3rd one on the list):


Let me know if that does the trick for you :)

As a side note, when replying, please use the "ADD REPLY" button at the bottom of the page, as this makes the forum easier to read. Thank you.

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Greetings greyowl :)

Yes, the shortcuts add the registry entries for altering the IP Protection settings. The IP Shortcuts Installer also installs shortcuts fro reversing each of the IP Protection settings back to defaults :) . Also note that they are only made for 32 bit installations of Windows and they have only been tested on English installations of Windows.

If you need anything else, just post.

Thanks :)

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