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I have automatic quick scan scheduled in MBAM Pro to run each day at 3:00 a.m.

Today the scan ran on one computer but not on the other.

The scan has run every day on two machines since I purchased a license about one month ago.

But today, no mbam-log on one computer.

Does this happen from time to time?

Thank you.

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It happened again.

I have automatic quick scan scheduled in MBAM Pro to run each day at 3:00 a.m.

Today the scan ran on one computer but not on the other.

But this time with an added new wrinkle...

On the computer that did run scheduled scan, a full scan was run, not a quick scan (and yes, the setting had changed from quick to full on its own).

Also (and probably a separate issue), the database was not being updated from version 3588, even though I was manually performing updates. The message kept repeating, "The database was successfully updated from version 3588 to version 3588".

This has fixed itself for now, with an auto-update to version 3590 about 30 minutes ago.

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"The database was successfully updated from version 3588 to version 3588".

This issue happens occasionally with some database releases due to minor errors with the CDN used to distribute the updates. When a new database is released the error corrects itself, so when 3589 was released this problem likely stopped.

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