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Multiple Licenses

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I just had a question about purchasing multiple copies of the full version. I work on computers quite a bit and build them off and on, am going to start putting the paid version on them, along with Microsoft Security Essentials.

If I buy 5 Licenses at the checkout do I get 5 separate ID's and Keys?


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Hi Sartori -

In a word yes - You need to because each license can be changed to another computer if the buyer ever gets a new computer -

They are indivually keyed and each is portable for that reason - So that each one has its own ID / KEY to protect from multi usage -

Please click on any RED name in the forum list at the bottom of the login screen and send a Personal Message to get corporate support -

eg. RubbeR DuckeY / AdvancedSetup or similar -

They can give you full details and prices -

Thank You - :welcome:

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Hi Sartori -

In a word yes - You need to because each license can be changed to another computer if the buyer ever gets a new computer -

They are indivually keyed and each is portable for that reason - So that each one has its own ID / KEY to protect from multi usage -

Please click on any RED name in the forum list at the bottom of the login screen and send a Personal Message to get corporate support -

eg. RubbeR DuckeY / AdvancedSetup or similar -

They can give you full details and prices -

Thank You - :welcome:

Okay, thanks for the info, I'm not that big of an outfit:), just he multiple discount will be fine for me....

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