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PROBLEM! no (delayed) task execution

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I am using MBAM on 4 PC's with WinXP at my home for me, my wife and the kids. The program runs fine, no problems. However, it seems that tasks set under the protection tab do not execute later when the PC is not on during the set time.

So for example, the time for an update is set to 8AM. Now when the PC is not on at that time, the update is not executed (duh). What I would expect is that the task would execute when the PC is turned on later that day. So, if I turn on the PC at 9AM, no update is retreived. The same goes for the quick scan. It is set to execute at 12PM, but when the PC is not on, the scan is not performed later that day. The logs show this as well, on all four PC's.

The other day, I checked my wife's PC and her copy of MBAM was not updated for a whole month!

At the very least it should be an option to choose to execute a task later on a given day if the PC is turned on after the set time.

And on another note, why is this an option anyway? Why not set the program to check every hour (like for instance NOD32)?

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Hi refthoom -

I always hit the update tab when I turn the computer on , just to be sure I am always up to date (10-20 seconds on average) - Then I hit Quick Scan to be sure it is running (5-7 mins on most computers) while I make a quick coffee - This is always done as a backup , since as AvancedSetup described , there is currently no "running when shut down option" - You also need your computer to connect to the internet to get updates , so if it is not connected or the modem is off then you will miss the updates - I also shut my modem down (for safety reasons) when the computer is not in use, or if I am away for any time, so I need to do this -

Hope your problem is fixed soon - Thank You - :)

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