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install error

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Error code 732 means there was an error updating.

Please make sure that your firewall is set to allow mbam.exe to access the Internet, and that Internet Explorer is not set to "Work Offline".

If you have Internet Explorer 8 installed, you may want to check the following link:


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I am running Firefox and have done everything but drop the firewall.

Should I drop the firewall?? :D

Firefox is irrelevant, you must make sure that Internet Explorer can connect to the internet and that it is not set to use a proxy, otherwise Malwarebytes' cannot update because it uses IE's settings to connect regardless of what other browsers are installed on the system.

It is also a very bad idea to have 2 antivirus softwares installed at the same time, I'd highly recommend that you uninstall the old PC Cillin and keep the up to date AVG. It would also be a very good idea to process the exclusions for Malwarebytes' in AVG as detailed here.

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Thank You- both

I simply have Internet Explorer set to "Work Offline"! once I when back and launched it I saw it was set to offline. I all set my AVG. to excluded malwarebyte files.

Q. Do we all absolutely have to have Internet explorer installed first to jump on the net?? Can we just install Firefox first and only??

Thanks again ---super produce

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Q. Do we all absolutely have to have Internet explorer installed first to jump on the net?? Can we just install Firefox first and only??

Internet Explorer is always there. It cannot be removed. Certain applications (Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware being one of many) need Internet Explorer and it's settings to make their connection to the Internet.

You may use Firefox as your primary browser by all means (or even Opera, SRWare Iron, etc), but if you have updating problems then Internet Explorer is a good thing to check first. :D

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