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IP protection + torrent clients

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I know the answer is probbly spread across the forum, but search just wouldn't let me look for "ip protection" (cos of only 2 letter word) and theres just so many topics...

So I'd like to know how exactly does Ip protection work? I understand how it may work with web browsing, but what about torrent clients? I noticed I get some popups every now and then. What would have happened if the protection wasn't on in that particular moment? I don't really think I would have been infected by now.. or would I?

Thanks in advance! :D

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Welcome dv986 -

It is hard to find details on one subject at times :D - Basically each 'place' on the internet has an address - This is what the IP protection area of the program uses when you attempt to log onto a site - It will check a 'background log' of known bad internet server addresses -

These are updated all the time and although we are not always 100% spot on with the sites we figure 99% is better than most other malware checking programs - Sometimes even a good site is flagged as bad, due to the fact that they use the same internet provider to send out information -

That is why there is always an option to personally include or exclude these addresses - The exact workings you must realise are part of the ownership details of Malwarebytes.org and as such cannot be Fully disclosed , but I can only hope this BASIC answer is enough for now -

Thank you for your interest and do not hesitate to post again with other questions - :)

Also visit the link below for detailed information - :)


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Hey noknojon, thank you for your response :)

Ya I know technical details aren't alowed to be fully disclosed... maybe I didn't explain what I meant correctly (englsh is not my native lang). I basically wanted to know, what happens if these malicious IP addresses are not blocked when using torrent clients? Is it just risky, or does it mean someone out there is trying to hack in or send something or do something or whatever-something? :D Thats what I meant.

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Hey noknojon, thank you for your response :)

Ya I know technical details aren't alowed to be fully disclosed... maybe I didn't explain what I meant correctly (englsh is not my native lang). I basically wanted to know, what happens if these malicious IP addresses are not blocked when using torrent clients? Is it just risky, or does it mean someone out there is trying to hack in or send something or do something or whatever-something? :D Thats what I meant.

It's just risky is all, to say the least.
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Hi again -

This item will show you the reasons for blocking torrent or direct P2P (Peer to Peer) usage and will show why you can still get popups at times -

I got an alert and I wasn't even surfing, how's that happen?

There are many applications on your system which have access to the Net and any of these can trigger an IP alert with no browser open. Most common offenders are P2P applications and IM clients, usually an ad will trigger an alert. An advanced or premium firewall will be able to give you a list of programs which can access the Net - Your Internet access is still open to these people, even if you are not in personal contact at the time -

Thank you for your interest - :D

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@ noknojon and anyone else reading this thread -

Pidgin is a great IM client. No ads, more secure than some of the other ones out there (mostly because of the lack of ads I think).

You can log into and use your yahoo, msn, aim, and many other IM names all at the same time in one simple to use IM application :D


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