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A few comments.


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In my opinion, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is the best software out, at this moment in time in regards to removal of malware. Im using this just on its own, the paid for version and would like to thank all the team and community for vreating such a brilliant piece of software.

Yesterday, having gotten infected by a nasty trojan which kept redirecting me from websites to another website, I knew I was infected. My initial reaction was, Avira but I thought nah, let's have a go with Malwarebytes AM.

Ran it, removed everything, everything fixed. Purchased program, not turning back so far ;)

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...Im using this just on its own, the paid for version and would like to thank all the team and community for vreating such a brilliant piece of software.

Welcome to the MBAM forum Thrill. ;) Pleased to hear that MBAM has fixed the issue you were having.

Just spotted that you wrote you are now using MBAM on it's own. Does that mean you're running MBAM with no AV? I ask because while MBAM is an excellent and very effective product, it is not designed to run in place of an antivirus utility. It is designed to compliment one. MBAM does not focus on what AV products are already doing very well, it focuses on the stuff they don't do so well and the real tough to remove malware - hence the need for both.

You were using Avira? That is an excellent AV and one recomended by MBAM, and it also plays beautifully with MBAM (as most do - where they don't there is usually a very simple work-around found in the FAQ in the General MBAM forum section).

Best of luck there and don't hesitate to post back if you're needing anything else. ;)

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@ Thrill

Malwarebytes removes and detects things that are not already well covered by an antivirus. It's designed to catch what AV's are not good at or cannot completely remove.

Here is a link for the Avira download given to me by an expert here, and its the one that I used to get Avira onto two machines (one I installed myself and the other I guided her).

Just go with the default settings ;) Let me know if you need any help scheduling the scans. The one that I set up I set it to scan twice a week. You can have it set for as often or as little as you want.

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Hi Thrill ;)

You're welcome.

Sure, whatever you are comfortable with ;) Pick whatever you like the best and whatever works for you. Avira does play very nicely with Mbam; I am not sure about Panda.

Also, if you decide to go with Avira, please download this uninstaller tool and run prior to installing Avira.


Download tool > Uninstall Panda > Restart > Run tool > Restart. Install Avira.

After downloading the tool, MAKE SURE that your internet connection is OFF until Avira is installed ;) (You don't want to be online with no AV).

Info about the tool here: http://blog.cloudantivirus.com/tag/uninstall/

Gotten from here: http://uninstallers.blogspot.com/ (one of our Experts blogs :D)

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