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Can't update database, says my version of MWB is incompatible

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In fact, I can't even access the program at all. I get the same message each time. It says the database I have downloaded is not compatible with the version of Malwarebytes I am using, please download the latest version. I'm using 1.41, can't tell you the database since I can't get at the program.

Whazzup, guys???

Edited to add...Oh, I see my other computer is downloading the latest version. I'll reboot this one and see what happens.

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That link got me 1.41, but that's allright. I downloaded it anyway, uninstalled and reinstalled, re did the permissions in Microsoft Security Essentials, and everything looks good now.

My MWB probably needed a freshening up anyway. I was getting occasional ntdll.dll errors when I tried updating, so maybe giving it a fresh start will put a stop to that bit of silliness. I see that my license info and ignore list didn't get deleted, that's good.

(I've been dealing with technical issues with various devices for the past few days--I'm the household techie--and I'm about ready to run screaming into the wilderness! :) :) Maybe I'll just try backing slowly away from the computers, let DH figure out the new remote and satellite TV receiver, and I'm gonna go... read...a...BOOK! And not one of those Kindle things either, it's going to be paper and ink! Like in the olden days... :) )

Thanks Marcin!

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I never have run a beta version, not that I know of, anyway. The file I downloaded earlier today from Marcin's link turned out to be 1.41, but I installed it and then ran the update, so it's now at 1.42. (I didn't want to wait, since I wasn't sure if MWB would work properly, so I wanted to get it functioning correctly as quickly as possible.) Everything looks good now. :)

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