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I think I am getting a cold or sick or something of the sort.

I hope this doesn't get worse... I hate being sick :) I shall be having some Chicken soup when I get home later tonight!

I was just jokingly thinking, too bad there isn't an Mbam for the nasties that attack our bodies as well as our computers :) lol :)

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This feature is confirmed for the release of MBAM version 9.0 :) , but Swandog and Marcin are waiting on nano-technology to come along a bit first :) .

Hardware requirements include 2TB ram (recommended) and can only run with 1024-bit drivers. MBAM v.9 will require 5GB of space on your 1000TB harddrive :)

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Sweet! That's quite a long wait, though hehe :) lol

This feature is confirmed for the release of MBAM version 9.0 :) , but Swandog and Marcin are waiting on nano-technology to come along a bit first :) .
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Thank you catscomputer! I am feeling better now, although I don't know about for tomorrow, hopefully I don't get more run-down feeling ;)

You're welcome! <_< I am doing as I said currently too, whilst listening to my iPod, hehe.

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Perhaps you just need to visit Dr House ;) . In fact, as I recall Swandog was bringing him onboard to be a consultant for biologically based rootkit infections, which as I'm sure you already know, tend to cause such symptoms as spontaneous compbustion and explosive diarrhea <_< . Not to mention the rogue pharmaceuticals they tend to download and install in your body such as Swine Flu Remover Pro!

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Oh I am not THAT sick Exile. lol! I am actually feeling much better today, hopefully it lasts. I don't want another long, drawn out cold, I've already had at least two in the past year, probably a few more :/

heheheh that is awesome, House rules ;)

And you know, it feels like sometimes some medicines are rogues <_<

Swine Flu Remover Pro! I want me some of that!! woohoo!!

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Perhaps you just need to visit Dr House :D . In fact, as I recall Swandog was bringing him onboard to be a consultant for biologically based rootkit infections, which as I'm sure you already know, tend to cause such symptoms as spontaneous compbustion and explosive diarrhea <_< . Not to mention the rogue pharmaceuticals they tend to download and install in your body such as Swine Flu Remover Pro!

;) Brilliant!! You made me choke on my cuppa tea exile360, you ratbag!

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You are quite awesome :(

Anything else that they make? :(

to Marcus:

I downloaded the Chipmunk song :)

I had trouble finding those other two songs though, but I'll try looking again soon :)

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