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GOG Galaxy program blacked from accessing cloud server

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I'm also getting a bunch of blocks from cloudstorage.gog.com this morning.

I haven't rebooted yet but will try that now. I've included the 6 blocks from this morning.  I did add an allow for cloudstorage.gog.com but there were 2 further blocks afterward.

Malwarebytes Website Blocked Report 2024-06-03 081429.txt Malwarebytes Website Blocked Report 2024-06-03 061426.txt Malwarebytes Website Blocked Report 2024-06-03 071427.txt Malwarebytes Website Blocked Report 2024-06-03 071429.txt Malwarebytes Website Blocked Report 2024-06-03 081427.txt Malwarebytes Website Blocked Report 2024-06-03 141429.txt

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Posted (edited)
17 hours ago, Dashke said:

Hi, BiggerJ,

Can you please reboot your system and attach a fresh log showing the detection?

Sorry - I forgot to do this, and updated MalwareBytes as people have mentioned doing. As other people have mentioned, the detection is no longer happening after startup. I think it's been corrected.

Edited by BiggerJ
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1 hour ago, RipleyRiley said:

Malwarebytes is up to date and my machine has been restarted multiple times since updating Malwarebytes.


Please do the following so that we may take a closer look at your system.


Disable-Fast-Startup <<<<< Important.

Then please restart the computer and then do the following. <<<<< Important.

WARNING: Do Not click the Repair option under Advanced unless requested by a Malwarebytes support agent or authorized helper

NOTE: The tools and the information obtained are safe and not harmful to your privacy or your computer, please allow the programs to run if blocked by your system.

  • Download the Malwarebytes Support Tool
  • In your Downloads folder, open the mb-support-x.x.x.xxx.exe file
  • In the User Account Control pop-up window, click Yes to continue the installation
  • Run the MBST Support Tool. The tool also downloads and runs a file called FRSTEnglish. Please allow it to run.
  • In the left navigation pane of the Malwarebytes Support Tool, click Advanced
  • In the Advanced Options, click Gather Logs. A status diagram displays the tool is Getting logs from your machine 
  • A zip file named mbst-grab-results.zip will be saved to the Desktop or on the hidden Public desktop (usually C:\Users\Public\Desktop), please upload that file on your next reply



Thank you

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