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Group Policy Editor in Windows 10 Home, better not to have it?

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My question maybe wasn't clear...Does enabling the gpeditor in Windows 10 Home pose the pc at greater risks than not having it? I mean the antivirus can ignore the presence of hacker because there is the permission of gp...

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It is not "enabled", it is not native to Windows Home editions.  It is a feature for NT Domains included in Ultimate, Professional and Enterprise editions of Windows.

It has to be shimmed into Home Edition.  If done wring, you may cause risk level ripple effects in the OS.



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Group Policies are all about the Allowance or Denial of certain actions or the formation of a rule to guide certain actions.

For example one can set a policy to block the execution of a named file or the ability to run certain tools.  Many are based upon NIST standards and applied security models for a Domain.  Windows Home edition can not be added into a NT Domain and thus Group Policy is not a part of its modality.

A bad policy may make use of the PC difficult at best or brick it at worst.

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