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Question concerning using Browsers and Outgoing Trojan warnings.

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I hope I can get some clarification here. I've been using Malewarebytes Premium for my family for a few years now and only recently have I first encountered this particular warning.

I was using Mozilla Firefox and browsing a marketplace website for buying/selling lego pieces called 'Bricklink' when Malewarebytes started giving me Outgoing Trojan warnings, it happened often and so I shared it on reddit (at the time I was unaware this forum existed), at Reddit somebody said this ment that there was something wrong with Firefox like a malevolent extention that re-directs me to this other website to scam me, which spooked me so I deleted Firefox from my pc and I also did a deep scan with both Malewarebytes as well as an additional scan with Eset + ran MB's own Adware cleaner and did a SecurityScan. According to all these everything was fine and so I installed Brave browser instead. Now recently while browsing the internet at various sites, most recently just right now while browsing 'Eurobricks', a coincidentally lego related forum, I got more Outgoing Trojan warnings this time coming from 'Brave.exe' which once again has me spooked.

Does this mean there is also something wrong with my Brave Browser as well, or there is still something bad on my PC, or is it just Malewarebytes protecting me from a bad website and it's not something on my PC?
Frankly speaking I don't really understand what is happening when I'm getting this Trojan Warning from Malewarebytes, if somebody could explain to me what this means it would be much appreciated.

I hope the added screenshot of when I first got the warning is of some help even though it's in my native language and not in English, it says Website blocked because of Trojan horse and that the Type is Outgoing.

With kind regards,


Example Trojan.jpg

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15 minutes ago, Thiber said:

Does this mean there is also something wrong with my Brave Browser as well, or there is still something bad on my PC, or is it just Malewarebytes protecting me from a bad website and it's not something on my PC?
Frankly speaking I don't really understand what is happening when I'm getting this Trojan Warning from Malewarebytes, if somebody could explain to me what this means it would be much appreciated.

Could be either.

If you see this only on the forum, it could be someone posted something from a bad host.

Lets see if it is a False positive first.


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1 hour ago, Porthos said:

Are these happening on other sites other than the forum you first mentioned?

Since using the Brave browser, I only had the above posted Riskware block happen while visiting the Eurobricks forum and Trojan while browsing for wallpapers on google. (The above posted 'wallpapercave.com') 

I haven't had any other issues/warnings while using Brave.

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5 minutes ago, Thiber said:

Trojan while browsing for wallpapers on google. (The above posted 'wallpapercave.com') 

That is very common considering some of those wallpaper sites I have seen over the years.

7 minutes ago, Thiber said:

I only had the above posted Riskware block happen while visiting the Eurobricks forum

Good chance it is the pictures posted are hosted on a blocked server.

I doubt anything is wrong with the computer or browser.

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Hello @Thiber,

We are not blocking Bricklink or its IP. However, if I look closely at your warning screenshot in origional post, I see birklink (i and r reversed) instead (and we block it's IP due to sheer number of malicious sites on it). I think it was just a typo you made in your browser for bricklink. 
Typo-squatters have fun with this sort of thing hoping folks will make a common mistake typing an address with a slight error and landing on a malicious site as a result.

I can get to bricklink just fine and site is fine.

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