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Outbound connection to

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Hi there. I also get the same "Repeated attempted outbound connection to".

Why would you treat it as a false positive. What program could possibly CONTINUALLY try to have an outbound connection to

If it is "Oy Crea Nova Hosting Solution Ltd", why should my laptop suddenly keep needing to connect to it when it never has for years before?

doesn'tThat doesn'ty seem right tot me.

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We consider Oy Crea Nova Hosting Solution Ltd to be a potentially medium fraud risk ISP, by which we mean that web traffic from this ISP potentially poses a medium risk of being fraudulent. Other types of traffic may pose a different risk or no risk. They operate 29,435 IP addresses, almost all of which are running anonymizing VPNs, public proxies, and servers. They manage IP addresses for organisations including Fine Group Servers Solutions LLC, Creanova, and Oy Crea Nova Hosting Solution Ltd. Scamalytics see low levels of web traffic from this ISP across our global network, some of which is, in our view, fraudulent. We apply a risk score of 39/100 to Oy Crea Nova Hosting Solution Ltd, meaning that of the web traffic where we have visibility, approximately 39% is suspected to be potentially fraudulent.

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1 hour ago, AdvancedSetup said:

Contact Windscribe support and ask them. I have no idea what networks they use


OK. I have. Will post the answer when they reply. But I don't think you should mark this as a "false positive". For me no application should be trying to send data to another IP address EVERY minute. Do you not agree?

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