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Make "Site Reporting" EASY!! (and anonymous!)


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One of the BIG problems I can see with reporting "Questionable Sites", malware, etc ... is that you have to come back HERE!

Every software I install has some option to install and customize buttons on the browser toolbar!! ... Why not include this feature in the Malwarebytes "pay-for" version too???

Just think of how simple it would be to report sites or attach files with just a click of a button on the toolbar!!!!! ... plus it would be "anonymous" and fast.

No reason not to have it.

Thanks for listening.

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What with all the useless 'add ons' being pushed by this that and the other software, I don't see the need for us to be cluttering up anyones toolbar or interface with a report button.

But maybe the devs will see differently.

We get most of our submissions from trusted researchers\sources anyhow. I can see the malware miscreants abusing the button having us chasing our tails. Nah, bad idea.

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Perhaps an option within the program itself would be worthwhile, but with regards to a toolbar button in the user's internet browser, I fully agree with TeMerc. I don't like that kind of stuff and none of the security software I use has such a thing. It's all built in to their interfaces, if they do have such a feature.

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Hello. What with all the useless 'add ons' being pushed by this that and the other software, I don't see the need for us to be cluttering up anyones toolbar or interface with a report button. But maybe the devs will see differently. We get most of our submissions from trusted researchers\sources anyhow. I can see the malware miscreants abusing the button having us chasing our tails. Nah, bad idea.
First, adding toolbar icons would be a "CHOICE", just like with ALL add-ons. Second, your database filter could delete "repeaters" and many other things, while retaining the truley "bad" stuff out there that is reported.

Somehow I think that millions of users could cover a little more ground any staff of "trusted researchers and sources".

I have come across MANY questionable sites that MAM misses - you know, the ones that say, "You need to add the latest Media Player plug-in!"

MAM is GREAT software and I'll never be without it again!!! ... but the MAM database LACKS A LOT of sites distributing malware!! A LOT!!!

Perhaps an option within the program itself would be worthwhile, but with regards to a toolbar button in the user's internet browser, I fully agree with TeMerc. I don't like that kind of stuff and none of the security software I use has such a thing. It's all built in to their interfaces, if they do have such a feature.
Again, it would be an "OPTION"!!!! ... and I don't know what security software you are using, but almost every single one offers THE OPTION to put USEFUL buttons on the toolbar ... whether it be the "Virtual Keyboard" in Kaspersky, Norton, PC Tools, or whatever.

Both you guys make it sound like it's takes some kind of BIG EFFORT to add, remove, or change toolbar buttons!!! Jeeeeesh!!

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You'll never be able to keep up with all the sites. At any given moment Steven is filtering thousands of sites for inclusion\removal from the database.

If you find a site, send MysteryFCM a PM and he'll look into it.

Adding buttons to toolbars just isn't anything I think we'd do.

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I agree with TeMerc on the browser implementation - not a good idea. And yes, unfortunately no one can ever keep on top of all the bad sites. Some are made and are gone within an hour give or take sometimes... hard to keep on top of that as well.

I agree w/ Exile on the reporting feature in the interface though. Great idea if its feasible, not sure if it is or not. I also agree w/ him on that I don't like that stuff. I always always make sure that I uncheck any toolbar or other add-on from products... Java, Adobe, etc...

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