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Domain blocked - esabora.solutions

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On 2 différents subdomain (see pictures).

If I loock a bit deeper in the network :


Thank you for your help.




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Do you have an update on this ?

We have more and more customers complaining about this, as they can't work because their tool (website) is broken.

This probleme  does not occur on all pages, it seems to be only in pages with datatables (HTML tables), but I don't know if this is the reason.

In the network, the first blocking event seems to be :

Location chrome-extension://ihcjicgdanjaechkgeegckofjjedodee/app/eventpages/block.html?referrer=undefined&url=https%3A%2F%******.esabora.solutions%2FPersonnel%2FListPersonnels&host=********.esabora.solutions&type=scam&subtype=phishing&tabId=693872474&filename=undefined&prevUrl=null

Non-Authoritative-Reason:WebRequest API

Tell me if you need more informations.

Thank you.

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  • Staff

Hello, JG_Esabora,

We are very sorry for the problem you are experiencing. After we improved our phishing heuristic detection mechanisms, there was a misconfiguration that caused some legitimate pages to be detected. The new version v2.6.6 has already been released with the introduced fix. Please try to update your version and let us know how it goes.
Thanks and have a malware free day!

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17 hours ago, JG_Esabora said:



Unfortunately the problem is stil there with 2.6.6.

Please continue your investigations as we have many many complains about this.


Can you attach debug logs please so we can look further into this?

I'm currently unable to replicate the block on 2.6.6 Chrome.

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