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Strange emails


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Sorry about that.

Malwarebytes and other Web Forums suffer from spammers and spam bots

Usually that kind of Airline spam post is created in  a new thread. 

However if they reply to an existing thread then the subscribed participants will get a Reply Notification email with an abbreviated copy of the content.  Likewise if you subscribe to a sub-forum, subscribers will get a New Thread Notification email with an abbreviated copy of the content.

For this and other reasons, Malwarebytes in general and the Malwarebytes' Forum specifically takes all forms of Forum Spam seriously. 

Forum Guidelines


Anti-Spamming Guidelines
You agree you will not engage in any sort of spamming on the Forums in any manner. This includes but is not limited to comment spam (injecting a comment into a thread for the purpose of placing a link back to a website offering the same services offered here; or services totally unrelated to this website), the use of signature links deemed to be for the sole purpose of increasing web traffic to a site of interest by the member, spam sent via private message, or any combination of the previous examples.

The spammer account was banned and all content was deleted from the Forum.  Which is known as bringing down the Spammer Hammer.



Forum Spam in *ANY* form won't be tolerated here and we will endeavour to take swift action and perform mitigation measures as needed.

I apologize on behalf of the Forum for you having received an Forum Notification email subsequent to a spam post.  I thank you for reminding us why we must remain vigilant.


Edited by David H. Lipman
Edited for content, clarity, spelling and/or grammar
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