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Exploit hit on SplWow64.exe


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On 1/11/2022 at 2:29 PM, Porthos said:

When working with support to remove a stubborn infection they "might have a user" enable a setting temporarily and it should not be kept on due to the high level of False positives like yours.

They should not be enabled "just to enable" them for a "perceived" security benefit.

A great amount of support requests/issues are due to users enabling things they know nothing about or the results.

Then why don't they put them in a separate box with a title on the box to state that, such as "For USE With Support Staff Only"?  So much time wasted because the malware sites are NOT INTUITIVE; wasted time for you and all the end users..  It's called "UX".  They really need to get some site devs who are trained in communication.

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On 4/3/2023 at 2:45 PM, AdvancedSetup said:

Unfortunately it is not always cut and dried what needs to be set or done and can require further analysis in many cases


Here again, "that doesn't tell us anything"!!!  Example:  After the content in your response, complete this sentence please:, "Such as, ....."

It's like you are just "dismissing" our input.  Terrible practice.

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