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Currency ?


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A while ago I bought a service online. Their fees had the $ in front of their value. 
When I rcvd the first bank statement, they charged more than the value I saw.
The $ sign.symbol is used by more than 20 countries around the globe, including the United States.
It seems generally agreed that when we see the $, that it is in U.S. $ value.


Malwarebytes Prices. Are they based on what country's currency?


IMO: The 'net still is, a bit, the World Wide Web - and as countries flex their world-wide muscle on currency exchange one must work their budgets with a pencil and a big eraser and if we can't find the country currency rate, ask. Many sites use the visitors device location and present the values based on the country the visitor is connected. 



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10 hours ago, Porthos said:


What does this page show in your country? https://www.malwarebytes.com/pricing

In the US I see this.


Why can't you just answer the question? Type Canadian, US, AUD, or any of the other 20+ countries. The US is not synonymous with $ value & doesn't own the symbol.

EXAMPLE of Why: (which I see being the next question)
I just ordered 8 phones from the US and paid in AUS dollars converted from CAD. Doesn't it make sense someone would like to know what the prices are going to be converted into in the end?

Now. Is Malwarebytes using CAD, USA, AUD should I list the rest?

Now sure what I'm supposed to see. What do you see - belay that, just please answer the question please?

I've used MB since it's first beta. I use to put the free version, then the trial version on many clients computer. I stopped when the crippled nag version came out but would highly recommend they buy it. I know a few have, don't know about all. I hesitate now.

I no longer wish to beta test, so when you need to know how the site looks, please ask someone else.

For your screen edification see attached image.


price not in country currency.JPG

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11 minutes ago, Outernaut said:

Why can't you just answer the question? Type Canadian, US, AUD, or any of the other 20+ countries. The US is not synonymous with $ value & doesn't own the symbol.

Can't answer that so I did not guess.

12 minutes ago, Outernaut said:

Doesn't it make sense someone would like to know what the prices are going to be converted into in the end?

I personally check the conversion rate. I ordered from a vendor in France and had to pay the amount converted from US to Euro. Plus processing fee I believe.

17 minutes ago, Outernaut said:

Now. Is Malwarebytes using CAD, USA, AUD should I list the rest?

It looks like, from your screenshot, assuming Canada, The cost is in US dollars and when you purchase it will be converted to CAD using the exchange rate at the time.

For example


I would expect if I paid for 1 yr 1 device of Malwarebytes only ($44.99) with a credit card or PayPal using Canadian funds, I expect to have to pay 60.86 CAD plus any taxes.

In reverse, if I paid for an item from a seller in Canada that sold for 60.86 CAD I would expect to pay 44.99 in US funds.

31 minutes ago, Outernaut said:

I no longer wish to beta test, so when you need to know how the site looks, please ask someone else.

I don't care about the price personally. I have no dog in this issue. I wanted to know to help answer your question.

34 minutes ago, Outernaut said:

I've used MB since it's first beta. I use to put the free version, then the trial version on many clients computer. I stopped when the crippled nag version came out but would highly recommend they buy it. I know a few have, don't know about all. I hesitate now.

I do not know what this statement has to do with what you asked about.

The bottom line, the dollar sign represents US dollars if the site/company selling a product is based in the US.

I know even Canada uses a dollar sign as well.


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Can someone,  please answer the question 'In what currency is the web site HTTPS://MALWAREBYTES.COM using CAD , USD , AUS, etcetera?' If the site peeps our location and uses that, it should say so. If you want to troll, please wait a while, as I need real answer today, Or I'll have to recommend a antivirus to them. 

Maybe I should just ask SM. 


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USD. Your screenshot proved that since it showed the same prices as my screenshot. What the consumer is charged is up to the currency exchange rate at the time of purchase. In the end, Malwarebytes will receive the price in USD after the currency exchange.

Any other questions should be directed to support. They have all control over purchases.

Please contact our support team at https://support.malwarebytes.com/hc/en-us/requests/new to get help Please submit only one ticket/request. Additional tickets will increase the delay.

Be advised it can take 3-7 weekdays for a response after the automated reply with your ticket number.

Edited by Porthos
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