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Windows live gallery


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I installed Windows live gallery along with the MSN update and opened it to check it out and I got a pop up saying I need to DL a codec to see some raw and quicktime photos and videos and would I like to DL it from the publishers website :)

There is a link that says "how do I dl and use codec" and that takes you to the forum eventually.

Has anyone else had this issue?

I am pretty sure that I do not have any other photos or vids other than the ones they are showing me, I did when I first got the computer 2 years ago use Quicktime to view a few vids in windows I think but I lost Quick time along time ago and I do not remember how.

I would like to find these photos and vids if there are any and just delete them as I have no real use for the things I have now and I do not want to DL software just to see what I might have and it do not even tell me which publisher it is but I clicked and its apples quicktime... the mac version.... hxxp://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/

I am confused :)

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Looks like the Windows version on that page for me. You can always just ignore the warning, they could be images in a program directory or system folder and that's why you don't know where they are. As I recall Windows Live Gallery searches such locations for images. You could of course just install QuickTime, but I don't know if you'd then be able to determin which pictures and/or videos require it as they'd likely all look the same in Live Gallery.

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Thanks Exile. I might get QT if I need it for other stuff as the vids and photos in my album I can see seem fine and I want to see that if I install it more show up.

This is the page it takes me to, at the top the button says "Mac" and the options are "Leopard" or "Tiger"


Is that what you see?

If so which one do I click on?

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:) Nope, the page it brings up for me has the downloads for Windows listed instead of Mac OS. It appears it's not detection your OS correctly. If need be you can get QuickTime from a site such as MajorGeeks or Download.com. You might also click the Version Availability link at the bottom of that page and it may offer you the option to grab the Windows version.
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Thats really strange, I checked the page in IE8 and it came up the windows version but in FF 3.5.4 its saying Mac! No matter how I get to the page its always a Mac... :)

I will DL via IE8 but do you know why this is happening?

I do not want to mess up DL by getting the wrong version like for java and such.

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It likely has something to do with FF not correctly reporting your OS version, it could be the result of one of your security plugins. It doesn't matter though because the QuickTime installer isn't just for a browser add-on, it's also for QuickTime player. You'll get the right plugins and software no matter which browser you download it through as long as you get the Windows version :) .

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Unfortunately I can't answer your latest question since I don't know, but I assume its the website mis-reading what your OS is like Exile said.

Do us a little favor, go to the Flash and Adobe Reader websites and let us know if the same thing is happening :)

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Thanks Exile.

Mountaintree16 I checked flash and java just to be sure and reader states the version for vista and flash the version for FF/windows thought its also compatable with opera and safari too.

Personally I think its a ploy to make me buy a Mac :)

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Hmm okay I guess its not the site not being able to read your OS right, but, then again, maybe something is messed up on the Apple site.

I just tested it; I went to the Apple website, (Im on XP SP3, FF 3.5.4 here) and the Windows version came up for me. Hmm not sure whats going on then...

Personally I think its a ploy to make me buy a Mac :)

Perhaps! All the TV commercials I see lately make me think the same :) I do like Mac, but after lots of thinking and such, I don't think I'd want one as my main computer, but I do want one at some point.

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They do look good and all my mates that have them swear by them, problem is I grew up on windows...well I grew up on BBC Micros then progressed to PCs with windows!

I found out it was NoScript making the site think I had a Mac... I smell a conspiracy :)

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@ Chimpy

Ah, I see. I grew up with a mix actually. PC's and Mac's, so I know how to use both, but I know how to use Windows better than I do Mac's. Also, I haven't used a Mac in at least four years. Several of my friends have Macs though, and they really like them.

Glad that you figured out what the problem was though. May I ask how you figured it out? I'm curious.

Edit: Nevermind, Exile pretty much answered the question :)

Yep, time to buy a Mac, that confirmed it :)

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Yeah I get the fact that it would be free, but if you are turning it into a PC anyway, Exile, then uh, why? lol

and please excuse my lack of knowledge, "nifty magnetic plug for the AC adapter." what is that?

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@mountaintree: because a free computer is a free computer (note where I said if they gave it to me for free :) )

You can check Apple's site for info on the magnetic plug :) . Just look at the features of the MacBook Pro.

@chimpy: I guess I was right then (as I noted here):

It likely has something to do with FF not correctly reporting your OS version, it could be the result of one of your security plugins.
NoScript was the problem :) .
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A hah that makes sense Chimpy :)

I haven't used it yet, I'm afraid that it will mess up something when I am not the one using the computer and I won't be around to temp. disable it. I've been meaning to download and test it out though, I should do that sometime. I can always disable it too.

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True, but, I still don't get it :) Ah well, its okay.

Let me be more clear then, if they gave me the computer for FREE I would use it, but not the operating system that came with it. I would use Windows instead because I like Windows and I know how to keep it secure. There isn't much you can do to secure Mac OS since everyone's convinced (quite falsely as you and I both know) that it is immune to all forms of infection. Is that clear enough? I would never purchase a Mac because they cost far more than they're worth for the hardware but if Steve Jobs or the dude from the Mac commercials came up to me and said "Here, have a free MacBook Pro.", I would accept it but I would only use Windows because that is my preferred operating system, much like Linux users who buy OEM PC's (like HP, Dell etc) and format the drive and install Linux. They are using a Windows based computer and installing a different operating system on it because they don't like Windows.

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Its pretty easy to play around with, The temp option to allow a page then manually block each script is great as then you know just what you need to run that page. Then you can set some to forbid on all pages. Its really one of the best things I run and nothing is forever you can always undo things and its alot more easy to work out where you went wrong than it is for say ABP, well it is for me!

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Oh, okay, I understand much better now Exile, thanks.

There isn't much you can do to secure Mac OS since everyone's convinced (quite falsely as you and I both know) that it is immune to all forms of infection.

Quite true, unfortunately, for both.

If/when I get one, I won't use it to go online (unless the security options for it improve) but just use it for Word Processing, maybe some Mac-based games, and I'd love to play around with graphics and photo-editing programs.

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Thanks for the info Chimpy!

I did read a lot about the program on the download page, but I still didn't quite understand what I would be doing with it. I need to do some more reading I guess :)

What's ABP?

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