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Telerik UI for WPF false positive


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We're a software company that develops a piece of software (an addin for Microsoft Office) that auto-updates itself. Our software uses the widely acknowledged third party UI framework 'Telerik UI for WPF'.

That framework is developed by Progress (formerly known as Telerik), which is one of the leading vendors of software libraries/frameworks for software developers.

A dll-file in their framework, which our software uses and which is distributed as part of our software installation, is getting flagged as a false positive.

I have attached relevant reports, log files and the problematic dll itself in a zip file. The password for the zip-file is: 123

Can you please look into why the dll is getting flagged? It's interesting because none of the other Telerik files that we use are getting flagged. The zip also contains a dll from Telerik that is not getting flagged by MalwareBytes.

Best regards


MalwareBytes Telerik false positive.zip

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