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I installed Malwarebytes, clicked around looking for the option to use Defender as a second scanner ... could not find it...

I closed Malwarebytes and now I can not re- open it by just click on the tray icon, I don´t know what happend.

I can open Malwarebytes by right click on the tray icon and "open Malwarebytes".

Once clicking on the Tray Icon it open´s it and closes it ... at the speed of light ... (Malwarebytes appears and disappears at almost the same time)

I had to quit Malwarebytes.

I opend it again - did a scan, closed the interface with the "X" Button on the right corner and ... it happend again - I can not re- open Malwarebytes using a left click on the tray icon anymore.


- once hovering with the mouse over the tray icon, maybe you could show the installed version


The speed you can now open Malwarebytes is very impressive - well done.


Would you like me to post all my feedback here in this forum?




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in the "general settings" scroll down and turn off "always register Malwarebytes in the windows security center" this will activate both protections. (If this is what you are looking for.) 

I agree the performance of the GUI is a nice fix. i also feel its lighter than ever.   

Edited by brad03
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1 minute ago, brad03 said:

in the "general settings" scroll down and turn off "always register Malwarebytes in the windows security center" this will activate both protections. (If this is what you are looking for.) 


yes, now I am happy with the option still there.


found my mistake...

I double clicked on the icon, if I click once it´s all good.

If I click once or twice on the windows defender icon it just opens it.

I use a program called PDF24 Creator, and you have to click twice on the tray icon to open it, I was used to double click on everything in the task bar.

Clicking twice is the fastest "program" response time I have ever seen in my life. WOW



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